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''Sherlock why are you inspecting the carpet with your magnifying glass?'' You ask as you try to pull your roommate on his feet. You've been living with Sherlock for two years and never have you seen him drunk. You give up on getting him to stand up, he's just too heavy. Sherlock's eyes close and his head falls onto the floor. You laugh and wake him up. ''Come on Sherlock let's get you to bed.'' You say as you finally manage to get him to stand up. ''What noooo (Y/N)! I'm not even tired.'' Sherlock barely managed to say that. ''You're drunk and you need to sleep.'' You grab his shoulders and guide him to his bedroom. Even when he's drunk, Sherlock is still very strong and he manages to lift you into the air holding you bridal style. ''Sherlock what are you doing?'' You smiled at his silliness. ''(Y/N) have I ever told you that I love you?'' Sherlock asked, still holding you. Your smile fades and you stare into Sherlock's beautiful eyes. You have been in love with Sherlock ever since you two first met. That was two years ago when you saw an ad for a potential flatmate. ''What?'' You ask, hoping that he repeats what he just said. ''You know what I said (Y/N). Aren't you going to say the same thing?'' He looked sad, drunk sad. ''Sherlock you're drunk. You don't mean it.'' You decide. He carries you to his bedroom, surprisingly steady since his state. ''Sherlock what are you doing?'' You ask as you try to get him to let you go. You would love to say it back but you knew that he was drunk and this wasn't like Sherlock at all. Sherlock let's go of you and you fall onto the soft bed. ''Sherlock.'' You warn but Sherlock ignores you. He curls up beside you and you can't resist to play with his hair. ''You never drink Sherlock. Why did you?'' You ask curiously. Sherlock's eyes are closed but he's not sleeping. ''Sherlock answer me.'' You say softly as you gently lift his head and place it onto your lap. You are sitting against the headboard of the bed, your hand is playing with his dark curly hair.

''I thought that a high percentage of alcohol in my blood would loosen me up.'' He finally answered. ''Why would you want to loosen up? You hate it when you're not focused.'' Sherlock mumbles something but you didn't understand him. ''What?'' Sherlock sighs and sits up, immediately regretting it when he's struck with dizziness. He falls back onto your lap, taking deep breaths to get rid of that annoying feeling. ''Calm down.'' You say soothingly. ''I'm not drunk (Y/N).'' Sherlock confessed. ''What? You have all the symptoms of being intoxicated.'' You point out. ''I was faking it.'' Sherlock sits up and his eyes look focused again, he doesn't seem to be dizzy anymore. ''Why were you pretending to be drunk?'' This man can be so strange sometimes but you love that about him. ''It was an experiment. I wanted to know what your reaction would be.'' You feel your cheeks glowing, you actually fell for his act. ''Why?'' You try to hide the sudden glow on your cheeks but you fail. ''Ever since you moved in, I developed feelings for you and I wasn't able to deduce how you felt. That never happens I'm always able to deduce everything about everyone but not with you.'' Sherlock stopped talking and looked at you with a hopeful look in his eyes. ''So you're not drunk?'' Sherlock shakes his head. ''And you meant what you said earlier?'' Sherlock nodded. ''I understand if you do not feel-'' You cut Sherlock off by pressing a kiss on his lips. Sherlock seemed paralyzed for a few seconds before kissing back. You pull back for air and look Sherlock straight in his gorgeous eyes. ''Well uh that was good. I should go to uh sleep now.'' Sherlock said awkwardly. You smile and nod. ''Goodnight Sherlock.'' You give him a soft kiss on his forehead and exit his bedroom. You feel two strong arms around you and you turn around to meet the gaze of the owner of those arms. ''Stay.'' He said. You smile and let him know that you would love to. Sherlock scoops you up again and carries you to the bed.  

A/N: I've been updating this One Shot collection a lot today. I hope you enjoyed the stories so far! If you have any requests just let me know in the comments :)

Enjoy the rest of your day!

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