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Boring ass skibidi dying in one or two shots...

But their technology has been evolving...

Where are titan speakerman and titan cameraman?

Just where are you guys...

You know what?

Im gonna put priority to finding them.

I cant keep messing around with these skibidi when they could be damaged beyond repair.

Knowing titan speakerman he could just get out of any danger with his speed but titan cameraman...

Alright enough thinking!

Ill just convert my upgrades to-


Whats this?

A transmission...

Lets see, its from...


Titan speakerman and titan cameraman!

They are alive after all!

Thank goodness...



Where are the coordinates?!

Man... i wish i got my teleport upgraded just like titan tv man so i wouldnt need them!


There they are!


[pov: cameraman #567]

Come on titan cameraman... titan speakerman...

You guys got this!

They have a stare down with the scientist skibidi as he grins and laughs at them.

Didnt white injure him?!

How is he unscathed?!



Oh no!

Titan speakerman warms up his blaster and prepares himself.

Titan cameraman revs up his sawblade and gives out a threat.

Titan speakerman does the first move leaping into the air and shooting the scientist with his blaster.

Nice hit!

The scientist then retaliates by shooting a energy blast from that thing near his eyes.

It directly hit titan speakerman!

That was a big hit...

Titan speakerman goes behind the scientist as the scientist focuses on titan cameraman when he tries to hit him with a sawblade.

He blocks it with his pitch not letting anything get damaged before he pushes him using his eye blast thing.

The scientist then uses his speakers to launch an omega strong soundwave pushing titan cameraman back.

It worked really well forcing titan cameraman to fall down...

But titan speakerman took out his knife and stabbed scientists eye blaster!

He then threw him off and prepared to hit him with an acidic blaster.

He hit his blaster!

Titan speakerman cant defend himself without any equipmen-

Im now... a speaker man? Huh. (Reader/author x skibidi toilet)Where stories live. Discover now