Chapter 32

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Danny Pov

I fisted the sheets as Dean's tongue circled my clit. I was squirming and begging for him to relieve me of the aching pressure. "Dean," I gasped.

"Dean, please!" He didn't reply, he just threw my legs higher on his shoulders and circled and pulled faster. My leg jumped and twitched. It was getting too intense. "Dean, please. Slow down."

He moved so fast. He climbed up my body and shoved his penis inside me. After three teasing thrust, I started climaxing. My whole entire body clenched up. I felt an aching rush enter my body and sent me plumping down into an abyss. Then landed on the soft clouds of euphoria.

When I came to, Dean was kissing me softly. When he pulled from me, he laid on the bed. He stared up at the ceiling before saying, "shower and get dressed. Kyle will be here soon."

I laid on him and kissed his neck. He hasn't been horrible to me for some reason. He keeps asking me about Kyle. I won't lie to him. Of course I miss Kyle, but I'm not brave enough to say what I really want to say. I wanted to rail at him. To scream that he took the person I love most away from me. I love Kyle to the moon and back. It's just that the love I feel for Dean floats me to space and beyond. Every molecule in my body reaches for Dean on a molecular level.

The love I feel for Dean transcends. It moves and becomes deeper and more consuming everyday. I hate it sometimes. I really do. When I left him and went away for two years. I lost 15 pounds just in the first week alone. Being away from Dean made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep and often found my way walking back to him in the middle of the night then realized how ridiculous I was being and turned around and went back to the villa.

"Dean, do you have to sound so callous."

"Why the fuck is Kyle such a fucking nusance."

"Dean, don't do that. You haven't ever questioned Kyle's love for me. Why start now. You know why he's doing this."

"He's changed."

"The same could be said about you," I sniped. I don't like him speaking about Kyle like this. If it wasn't for Kyle, he wouldn't know me.

"The same could be said about you," he rebutted.

"What do you mean? I'm here trying to fix us."

"After you fucking broke us!" I jumped when slammed his hand on the dresser.

He was getting angry. The only thing I could do was crawl to the head of the bed and make myself small. I brought my knees to my chest as much as I could.

"We're not broken, Dean. Just bent." I got up and walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I looked down at my belly. I'm getting big. I've read some baby books. Going by the pictures, I would say I'm seven or eight months pregnant.

I try to get out all the excitement I feel about Kyle coming. Dean doesn't like it when I show happiness of any kind. I know he's mad at me. I can't wait until the baby comes and he realizes that this baby is his.

After several more minutes of enjoying just being alone and not being verbally or physically abused, I got out. The shower is the only time I get just for me. Dean doesn't bother me here unless he really wants me, then he'll take me in the shower.

I got out and got dressed. I will see a doctor today. A different doctor and hopefully I get all my questions answered. It seems like I'm having a lot of abdominal and pelvic pain.

Maybe it's because of Dean. When he has sex with me, he relishes in thrusting hard and fast. The pain doesn't come until after we have sex.

I made my way downstairs to await Kyle.

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