Chapter 16

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Danny Pov

I took a deep breath. Then I smiled. I'm happy to be moving forward with my life. I love Kyle. I love Dean. I want to be with him and he doesn't want to be with me. He can't keep controlling me forever. I can't help but to be nervous. I'm willing to make this sacrifice for Kunal because he's nice, sweet and very understanding.


I looked at myself in the mirror. I dressed in a fitting blue dress. My heels are not high. Kunal is right at 6 feet tall. My heels will put my height at 5'10. I looked at the clock. Then rushed from the house. I'm always late. I rushed to the restaurant. He's outside waiting.

"Wow. Can I look at you? This is my first time seeing you in person. Your pictures don't do you justice." He walked around me. Making me blush. He kissed my jaw. "You're beautiful."

I blushed again. "Thanks, so are you." And he is. He's so beautiful he looks feminine. "I mean you're handsome."

"Thank you." We walked in and were seated.

"So, we meet at last. It's weird that it took almost 3 months."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. A lot has been happening."

"What's with you and Michelle?"

I stiffened. I wanted to cry. I missed her so much. "Kunal, listen. I want to say this because I don't want to lie to you. You seem like a nice guy. Well I know you are to be putting up with my excuses for so long. I know you could tell something is going on. It's my friends. They are very protective of me. But just know that I've made the executive decision to start living my own life."

Kyle and Dean are done telling me what to do. Why does our friendship even have to be like this? Why do they feel the need to control me? I don't understand any of it and quite frankly I'm tired of trying.

He smiled. "I'm glad to hear it. I'm happy that you have friends who care so much about you though."

I grunted. He laughs.

"Sorry. I'm just frustrated with them right now. But anyway, what about you? Do you have any plans other than working with your parents?"

"For now, no. What about you?"

"Well since I took dual enrollment classes my 11th and 12th grade year I will be graduating early. I'm looking for a place to start interning soon."

"That's great news. If you need a place to intern I can help with that. My family is very well known."

"Thanks for that."

We laughed and talked the night away. He had a bright smile and was understanding when he felt I didn't want to elaborate when he asked me a certain question.

This future solidified my confusion with my friends. Yes, they have taken me to dinner and we laughed and talked, but I've never felt this free. Free to say and do whatever I wanted. I would like to spend more time with him. I laughed at a story that he was telling me about Michelle.

"What was she trying to do with the ball?" I asked, holding my stomach and wiping tears. The story was hilarious.

He shrugged. "Who knows. I think she was trying to steal 3rd base, she just busted her ass trying."

"I bet she didn't try that again."

"She did unfortunately." He chuckled.

Before I knew it he grabbed my hand. "Danny, I would like to spend more time with you. This was.... nice."

"Kunal." What do I say to that? I liked him as well and would like to spend more time with him.

"Don't say anything. I get it. You have issues. I'm here for you. I will wait until you're ready."

"But Kunal, that isn't fair...."

He interrupted me. "Danny, it's ok. Even though I know you have enjoyed yourself tonight, I could still see the fear and doubt in your eyes. You care about the people in your life. You care about their opinions. One should be so lucky."

I gasped. "I'm sorry."

He wiped his mouth with a napkin. "No need to apologize. I just want to be there for you and be a part of your life."

Even though I nodded. I was torn. This little rebellion act took a lot of courage. Courage I don't know if I can build up again. But for Kunal, I will try. I will just walk right up to Dean and Kyle and tell them that I'm a woman and I'm my own boss. No one tells me what to do except me. I wonder what they will say to that logic. They won't say anything. They are going to suspend me in the air and whip me until I come to my senses as Dean calls it.

I took a sip of water. And looked around.

My eyes grew big as saucers with fear when I looked over to the bar. My heart fell from my chest and hit the floor and rolled away. Dean was there with several other people. He had a look on his face that scared me. It scared me because I didn't know what that look was. How long was he watching me? Fear gripped my chest tight. I have never seen this look on his face. I've asked them time and time again questions about their family, but they ignore me every time. I think it's about time that I hire a private investigator and find out who my friends really are. They are not overly fond of pictures. I took one and posted it. The picture was gone hours later. I googled their names. Nothing. I think it's really time I find out who these men are because their actions scream nefarious to me. I hated myself for even thinking it, but I've felt several times that Dean has held himself back from killing me, even though his face showed that he wanted to. Like who thinks like that. Who does this shit. My heartbeat faster and faster the more he stood there. Suddenly his face relaxed. I was just about to get up, but he smiled.

It's that smile that I hated. Tears came to my eyes.

He pulled his gun out.

"Dean noooo, please." 

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