Chapter 14

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Danny Pov

I stare down at my phone. It's ringing again. What should I do? I don't want to ignore Kyle's calls. I'm acting very suspicious, even to myself. I was about to answer it but it stopped. I breathed out. Michelle will be here in an hour or so. I wanted to call her back and cancel. My whole body tingled with nerves. I felt a little dizzy.

I wipe my palm on my jeans because they are so sweaty. My phone started ringing again. I looked down. Tears came to my eyes without my permission. My neck and ass started to throb.

I picked it up.


All I heard was breathing, but my body still reacted to it. My breathing became shallow. My life force felt so drained. But I still tried to remain normal.

"Do we have a problem, sweet pea?"


"No?" his voice has gotten deeper. More threatening.

"No Dean."

"You seemed pretty determined when you left here. Is there something you want to tell me?"

"N-no Dean."

His chuckle was dark and sinister like he was ready and waiting for me to do this so he could punish me. "You know what'll happen if I catch you lying don't you, sweet pea."

I tried to hold back the tears that were clogging my throat, but I couldn't.

"Y-es, I know. I'm not lying Dean."

"Mm," he said, then hung up.

My body deflated. It's like my body was strung tight the whole phone call.

I quickly called Chelle back. "Michelle, I can't do it. They know. Somehow, they know."

"Danny, why are you so scared; you act like if you get caught, they will beat you or something."

"Please Michelle. I just can't."

She blew out a frustrated breath. "Seriously Danny. I'm your friend and we can't even go to the movies, the mall. Why are you so afraid of them?"

"I know, I'm sorry. Things will change soon. Just please be there for me. I can't explain our bond that we have. They just want what's best for me."

She blew out another breath. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be bitchy. It's weird to be jealous of your other friendships but I am. I feel like I only get the scraps."

"No Michelle. Don't feel that way. You're very important to me as well and I don't wanna lose you outta my life. I promise things will change."

"Ok, talk to you later."

"Ok, bye."

When I hung up, I plopped down on my bed. It's all I could do not to throw my phone against the wall. I'm mad. I'm furious. What the hell is this? Michelle is right. They are not my father, or my boyfriend. Why am I letting this go on? But what would happen if I stood my ground? Right then my ass throbbed in response. I played with the notion of calling Michelle back and telling her to come get me.

I picked my phone up. I bite my lip. I quickly sent a text. I packed a bag then waited a while then dashed from my back door. I saw Michelle pull up then quickly got in.

"Woohoo, let's partaayyyyy!" We hi fived then pulled off. After 15 minutes we made it to her house.

We got chips, beer, wine and fruits and brought them to the couch. We put on Netflix. We laughed, cried and laughed some more. I'm so happy I did this.

"Next time we need to go to the movies."

I rolled my eyes. "With the way you laugh, we'll be asked to leave."

"Ok, what about the mall."

"That'll probably be cool, but I don't need anything. Whenever Kyle goes to the mall or anywhere and sees some clothes that he likes he buys them for me. I still have clothes with the tags on them."

"We'll screw the mall. I need to come to your house and shop."

"Sure, be my guest."

My smile froze a little at the mention of Kyle. I love him so much.

He's the big brother I've never had. He loves me. He's thoughtful. Whenever he's out and sees books about economics he buys them so that he can read them, and we can talk about it.

I offered to let him read my schoolbooks, but he said the review questions at the end of the chapters don't sit well with him and will disrupt his reading flow.

"Hey, what's the matter."

"Just thinking about Kyle. He's so funny and unique. Then in the next second, he would go mean without a moment's notice, it's just all so confusing."

"Oh, you don't have to tell me. I've seen him around school acting insane."

We both laughed then jumped. A Boom! Boom! At the door had me choking on my popcorn.

"Who is it?" I jumped up from the couch. I started biting my lips nervously. I stood back as she walked down the terribly long hallway to get to the door. I stood back and paced. Tears formed as I remembered Dean's words. I rush to my phone and see if I have any missed calls. "Shit." I cursed. My phone is dead. Good lord I'm dead. I was prepared to go and climb out a window.

"Dennis you ass. Why are you beating on the door like that? You scared the crap out of us."

"Sorry baby. I had to keep you on your toes. Never ever relax unless I'm around."

I took a deep breath. Then sucked it back in when I see more men come in. They came in carrying all kinds of stuff. Coolers, beer, bags from Walmart. One of them noticed me and said, "well hello there."

"Hi, um Michelle, can I speak with you please."

When she came to me, I started to whisper and yell at the same time. "What are all these men doing here!"

"I made these plans when you canceled on me. I forgot to call Dennis and cancel. What's the big deal? Maybe you could finally get your first kiss tonight."

I gasped. "You think I'll kiss a stranger. I don't know these men."

She was loud when she said. "Oh, come on. We could play spin the bottle."

"Yeaaahhhh, let's do it." One of the guys screamed in the background.

I go to my bag and find my charger. I need to get out of here. I will not be partying with strange men. Is this what Michelle does? I haven't really hung out with her outside of school because Dean and Kyle wouldn't let me. They are always around when Michelle and I hang out.

I jumped and hit the ground as I heard a loud noise. Like a gunshot. 

A/N: Just letting you know; it's becoming too much to update 3 books. I will settle on one to update regularly and the other 2 sporadically. Since The Outlands if nearly finish I will update it regularly and update the other two when I can. I hate giving y'all these widespread updates. I'm sure that makes it hard to keep up with the book so I will dedicate my time to one and update the other's when I can.

Let me know which one I should mainly update.

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