Chapter 29

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Danny Pov

I laid there shocked. So very shocked. I wasn't the only one. Everyone was just as shocked as me. Stunned into silence. How could this be?

"Are you sure? Can you do another one?" I asked.

"Afraid not." After the doctor said that he got up from his chair and walked away.

I was about to yell at him or go after him. This is wrong. The test is wrong.

I didn't get out another word. Dean slapped me off the bed. "Whose fucking baby is that, bitch. Is it that motherfucker Kunal? You fucked him didn't you."

"No Dean." I'm a little tired of him beating me at his whim. I don't have to be here. I can go find my grandfather and we can leave.

I picked up a weapon. It wasn't much. It was some kind of metal piece that was hanging off the bed.

"Stay away from me. I'm leaving here, Dean. I'm going to find my grandfather and leave you for good. You never listen to me!"

I threw the metal pipe at him and ran towards the door. I couldn't get it open fast enough before he was on me. He grabbed me by my hair and tried to drag me up the stairs.

"Dean, let her go."

Kyle came to my defense. I got behind him and cried hard tears of fear. Dean will never believe anything I say. He's sick. He gets off on hurting me. I won't survive another round of his beatings. I want to leave.

"Kyle, get me out of here." When I said that, Dean pulled his gun out and shot Kyle in the leg. When Kyle went down with a painful cry he pointed the gun at me. I silently cried big tears. "Dean, please. I wouldn't do that. Something is wrong. Tell him to do it again!" I screamed loud with anger and despair.

He just stood there with rage on his face. He looked like he wanted to shoot me.

"Dean please." When he put his gun up, I took a deep breath. That is until he rushed me and punched me in the face. When I hit the floor, he kicked me in the stomach. He grabbed me by my hair in an excruciating grip and pulled me up the stairs. The more I kicked and yelled the more it hurt, so I stopped moving. I stopped screaming because blood was running into my mouth due to him hitting me in the nose.

"Dean, please. Let me go! Please!"

"You went off and fucked someone else and got pregant. Now you want me to let you go. Bitch, I'll kill you first."

When we made it to my room, he threw me on the bed and beat me until I couldn't move. "Dean, the baby. You're gonna kill the baby."

"Fuck that baby. When it's born, I'm going to throw it in fucking Traffic!"

"Dean, nooooo. Please. It's your baby."

"I'm not so sure. Like my mother said, you were over Kunal's house for days and you fucked him!"

He slapped me so hard that I fell off the bed. I crawled over to the window. I can jump. Anything is better than this. It's only one level up. I'm sure I wouldn't hurt anything vital.

I heard a thump. I turned around to see Dean on the floor. Kyle is standing above him with a gun in his hand.

"Kyle! What did you do?" I was about to panic. I know Kyle gets into deep trouble when he protects me, but I don't want him to kill Dean. I still love him and I'm sure someone will retaliate if he kills him.

"Relax. I just knocked him out. He's gonna wake up pissed so don't come out of this room. I'm going to move him. Just stay here until I come back."

"Kyle, I want to leave."

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