Chapter 12

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Danny Pov

My heart fluttered with fear and terror. I turn around. “Kyle, what are you doing?” I’m a little relieved it’s Kyle.
Kyle hung up the phone. “Why are you over here smiling and cheesing.”
“It was Michelle.”
“Lie to me again.”
“Ok, but Kyle, just please listen. I met someone, and we’re just talking over the phone. We’ve never met in person.”
“Who the fuck is this chump.”
“It’s Michelle’s brother.”
“Didn’t I tell you I didn’t want you fucking talking to him.”
I spoke urgently, “Kyle, just please let me talk to him. We just talk over the phone. It’s nowhere near serious. Please just let me have this.”
He blew out a breath. “I guess we can’t keep you all to ourselves anymore can we, Danny baby.”
I smiled. “Yeah.”
“Can we please not tell Dean yet. You saw how he is Kyle. I’m scared he’s going to hurt me.”
“That’s ridiculous, Danny. Dean wouldn’t hurt you. He loves you just as I do.”
“I know he does. But it seems lately something has changed. He’s mad all the time.” I didn’t tell him that he just kissed me and made me cum. Even then it felt angry.
“Please Kay, just keep it between us. I don’t even know if I like this guy.”
“For now, I won’t say anything. But you need to tell him soon. And you better clear it with me before you meet this motherfucker in person. Just talking on the phone for now and that’s it.”
I nodded. “Can I have my phone back?”
“Here, send him a text, but no more calling and talking for now. Come join me in the jacuzzi when you’re done.”
I nodded. I sent a quick text to Kunal, apologizing for my phone hanging up and that I will call him later.
I went and joined Kyle in the hot tub. It was him and some more people there. He pulled me on his lap while discussing something with a guy sitting across from him.
“I’m pretty sure about my decision. I just won’t bet my fucking car. I’ve already lost one bet to David. I’m out here catching rides and shit.”
“Yap, yap. All y’all do it talk nonsense. Let’s get drunk. I have Jell-O shots,” says a girl in my class. I can’t remember her name. I can never remember their names. They are different every time Kyle has a party. She tried to hand me one but I shook my head no.
“Miss too goodie, goodie isn’t drinking. More for us.”
“Yo, you can get the fuck out. She doesn’t have to drink if she doesn’t want to.”
Kyle gets riled up so fast. I tried to calm him down by rubbing his chest. “It’s fine. I’ll have one.” I took the Jell-O shot from her. Just then Dean came inside the jacuzzi and sat down daring me to drink anything. Soon after, girls came in and sat on his lap. I turned my face away. I should be used to women throwing themselves at him. But each time it happens I feel a ping in my chest.
Screw it. I raised the Jello up and took it. “Look at you. Do you want another one?”
I looked at Kyle and smiled. I nodded. “Don’t let me fall off your lap like last time when you got drunk.”
I looked over at Dean. He was staring at me silently. He suddenly smirked. I shivered. “Ignore him, Danny. He’s been going through a lot with his parents lately, so he walks around with a proverbial chip on his shoulders.”
“Will I ever meet his parents or yours for that matter. I’ve seen them but I’ve never really been introduced to them.”
“Hell no you won’t. They will not taint you with their evil  presence.”
“Hey, hand me another Jell-O shot. Give Danny baby one too.”
I grabbed another shot. “What the fuck I tell you earlier.” I jerked in surprise. He’s never checked me in front of people, we’ll not like this.
The shot froze half way to my lips. “Th-that I couldn’t have alcohol.” I tried to shrink into Kyle’s chest.
“What the fuck is that in your hand.”
“I-I won’t take it.” I replied timidly. Everyone is quiet, wondering what the hell is going on. They knew Kyle and Dean controlled my every waking moment but until now they didn’t know how much.
“Let her drink, she’s over 18, y’all are not her father.” A drunk girl said, stumbling into the huge jacuzzi.
Dean grabbed her by her hair and held her down under the water. While she was splashing her limbs trying to get up, he was staring at me.
“Here we go,” Kyle said. 
“Dean please stop, you’ll drown her and go to jail. Please, please, stop it!”
“She seems to know so much. Let’s see if she knows how to hold her breath while drunk.” He chuckled evilly.
Everyone was still screaming at him to stop. I hopped off Kyle’s lap and went to save her. I grabbed his hand and pulled her up. No one else would dare touch him without his permission.
“Stop it, what is wrong with you!”
“You’re going to be punished for that first Jell-O shot," he said and pulled the girl from the jacuzzi and threw her on the ground. She was coughing and hacking up water.
I raised my chin in defiance. I swear I don’t know why I take their crap.
“I’m almost 19. I c-can.”
“Get upstairs.” The rage on his face was very noticeable.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t go to Kyle’s room. Go to my room.”
“I’m going home. I told my grandfather that, ahh,” I screamed when he grabbed for me. I quickly left the jacuzzi and ran upstairs.
My heart beat and flutters with fear. I wonder if it is possible to sever ties with someone you love. I’ve never had to do it before. I love Dean. He’s one of my best friends, but he’s turning into someone I barely recognize. He’s even buffed up. He works out more now. I know he’s getting his business plans together to start his own business after he graduates. I know all this can be stressful but why am I paying the price?
I took a deep breath. Prepared to be understanding. Until he came inside the room with a belt. Tears came to my eyes.
“Please Dean. I’m sorry.”
“Now you’re sorry. Didn’t I tell you no alcohol? And what’s the first thing you do?”
“I drank alcohol, but why are you going through these drastic measures? I’m not a child Dean. I think it’s about time you see me as such. I’m a woman.”
His eyes traveled over my body. “I know you’re a woman. Now be a woman and take your punishment. In life, when you don’t listen, there are consequences.”
More tears. I looked into his handsome face. His boyish good looks would fool anyone. I alway joke with him about how much he looks like Channing Tatum. I wiped my tears. I got off the bed. I placed my hands on the bed and bent over. Ugly tears and snot ran. I don’t know how I got here. I don’t know how to get myself out. At first I was desperate for their friendship. It’s worse now because I love them and I don’t want them out of my life. I can’t take it if another person leaves me or dies.
He started swinging the belt. Hard. He beat me and beat me. All because of one stupid Jell-O shot. I wish I would have taken the second one. At least I would have been numb to this. It’s worse because my bathing suit is cold and wet.
“Ugh, ahh, please.” Pain exploded all over my body. My face was so wet with tears. I caught a headache from all the crying. When he was done I crawled up his bed and laid there and cried. I pulled the covers over me. He crawled in behind me.
“You need to fucking listen to me. You know I don’t like to repeat myself. We both know it could’ve been worse.” I nodded remembering that other time.
He turned me over. I cried into his chest. From sadness, from love and hopelessness. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m so confused. What do I even tell Kunal about them? Do I tell the truth? I won’t hide my friends from him or anyone. Drained of all energy and tears I fell asleep.

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