Chapter 18

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Danny Pov

I smiled as I walked around the room. I'm so happy for Dean. He graduated today. I planned the whole event and decorated the building. He also wanted me to start getting furniture for his business that he's about to open up. I've been looking at office furniture catalogs until my eyes crossed. But I'm happy to do it for him. As he shakes hands with well-wishers and potential business partners, I make sure the champagne flows and that everything is perfect.

"This is nice Danny. Very elegant. You might be missing your calling in interior design."

I smiled at Michelle. "I wouldn't go that far but thank you. I'm so happy that you're here." I grabbed her hand.

She smiled. "Me too. I love your dress."

My green short high waist dress was a gift from Kyle. He topped it off with green and gold pumps. Usually, I don't like wearing really high heels because I'm so tall. But next to most of the men here, I'm short.

"Mm mm. How beautiful you are Danny baby." Kyle came behind me and whispered into my ear.

I turned and hugged him. "Is that a suit? You look so handsome." I put my hand on my chest dramatically.

"Yeah, they managed to get me in this monkey suit. But for my graduation they can kiss ass. I'll be butt ass naked underneath my graduation robe."

"Kyle! You wouldn't dare."

"Wanna bet."

I shook my head then looked over at Dean. "Look at him. Soon that will be us, Kyle. Have you decided what you're doing after graduation?"

"Yeah, taking a flying leap."

I glared at him. "Calm down Danny baby. I'm thinking about taking a gap year."

"Kyle seriously? I really wish you would decide what you wanna do. It unsettles me that you're not taking your future seriously."

"Ok, I will, I promise. In the meantime, I'll step away from all the reprimanding. See y'all later."

He walked away and I rolled my eyes. "Hey, sweetheart."

"Hi pop. Where were you? I didn't see you after the graduation ceremony."

"I made a quick stop. Where's Dean?"

"Come on, I'll bring you to him. Michelle, I'll catch up with you later."

"Ok, bye Mr. Artusian."

"See you later, Michelle."

We made our way over to Dean. He was there with his dad and some men that I didn't know.

"Dean, look who I ran into."

"Dean, congratulations. I've heard you've already started on opening your business."

"Thank you Mr. Artusian and yes, I have."

"I brought you a graduation gift."

He handed Dean a large gift bag. Dean opened it and smiled. "Thank you. I really didn't think about this, but I'll definitely need it." Dean shook his hand.

It was a pretty leather brown suitcase with gold trimmings.

"When you're alone, play around with it. You'll like all the upgrades that I've done to it."

Dean smirked. "I'm sure I will." Dean turned to his father. Dad, Mr. Artusian was in the Marines."

Dean's father says "that's impressive. The highest branch. Any specialties."

"Weapons divisions," my grandfather replied.

"Which is why I know this suitcase has all kinds of weapons compartments," says Dean with a smirk.

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