Chapter 30

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Danny Pov

I walked down the stairs with trepidation. I'm glad to be out of the room but I'm still nervous as to the why of it. "Dean." I spoke softly so I wouldn't set him off.

When we made it downstairs his workers were in a line. "Stand there." He pointed to a spot. I was so nervous that I didn't say anything. Just did what he asked.

He then turned his attention to the workers. There were four maids and six guards.

I gasped when he pulled out a gun. He looked at me and smirked. He walked down the line in front of each worker and started talking.

"There have been several breaches on my property. I'm confused because my property isn't that big. So you mean to tell me that you can't cover four fucking acres of land!"

I jumped when he screamed.

He stopped in front of a guard. He smiled. "Incompetence will not be allowed." He walked to a maid. "It will not be tolerated. There will be consequences. For instance."

He turned and shot me. I fell down with a cry and grabbed my upper arm. I looked up at him. I cut my eyes to the exit. I winced as my arm started to feel a very painful burn. My nerves felt like they were on fire.

Dean continued to walk and talk. "She will feel excruciating pain in the upcoming weeks." He went on to shoot all the maids and guards except one.

I could only scream while still on my knees then I moved so fast to get up that I think I popped something. My stomach hindered me. My pelvis throbbed so painfully in the next second that I became scared for my baby. Pain wracked my body. But I still tried to make it to the door because I felt like I was next. When a shot landed on the floor next to my feet and the door in front of me, I knew he was toying with me. He could have taken me out if he wanted to. Blood was running down my arm but somehow the pain was dull in the face of death.

"Dean, please. You're scaring me. I love you. Don't do this to me. To your baby." I hissed and grabbed my stomach. I rubbed my legs together when I felt moisture pool between my legs. I continued to move slowly to the door. I screamed out in pain. I seized up and fell to the ground. When my head hit the floor, I blacked out.


When I woke up, Troy was there. I shot to the other end of the bed to get away from him.

"I just want to make sure the baby is okay. "

"No, don't touch me. You're a liar."

"Listen, do you want your baby to live or not."

I looked around. No Kyle. No Dean. Not anybody. I moved back to the other side of the bed and let him check me out. I'm really worried about the baby. I felt my whole body vibrate with pain. It felt like my spine popped. I should have never tried to run.

I laid still as he looked me over. He dressed the gunshot wound on my arm. Thankfully, it was only a scrap. Even though it hurt, my lower body felt worse.

I looked at him. "Why di..d you lie? C..can you do another test?"

"Why bother, the result will be the same. It's not Deans. You were over Kunal's house for days. You slept there. He doesn't like Dean. How do you know he didn't drug you and have sex with you?"

"He wouldn't do that."

"Clearly he would."

I tried hard not to believe that. Kunal wouldn't do that and sadly. I know what being drugged feels like. Dean has drugged me several times before when I wouldn't stop obsessing over my ACT scores or my future in general. I was whiney, I was panicky. I'm a terrible test taker because I get anxious to the point of sickness.

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