Chapter 10

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Danny Pov

One year later

“Hey there, my little wa-kum, ready to pour on the cu-kum and start this na-tu-kum.” Kyle wrapped his arms around me after talking drivel. “Kyle, do you try not to make sense on purpose.”
“Danny baby, we’re going to party hardy. It’s almost Christmas break, and I’m ready to break from this prison.”
“You mean college.”
“No, he means prison, Danny baby. And I totally agree.”  I looked over at my friend Michelle and rolled my eyes. We’re walking toward the cafeteria.
“I want you to spend Christmas break with us. My parents will be gone and so will your grandfather. So how about it?”
We grabbed some food and sat down. “I don’t know,Kyle.” I didn’t want to tell him that I didn’t want to be around Dean. Our friendship has become too intense. Too toxic. I dare say I’m scared of him more now than ever with no end in sight on how to fix us. We’re at the same school now, and he keeps a close watch on me. He says who I can and can’t be friends with. He monitors everything I do, and when I try to protest, it never turns out well for me. He has become so mean and abusive. Kyle and I had to beg him to let Michelle be my friend. It’s widely known that I’m friends with Dean and Kyle. It’s not always a good thing. The men keep their distance, and the females hate me because they think Kyle and Dean won’t date them because of me. I have zero control over what these men do. They control me. I still keep Kyle’s secret. I haven’t told anyone that he’s bisexual. Not even Dean.
“I’ll think about it. I was kind of hoping to spend some time with Michelle and her family.”
“Is that what you’re hoping for?” I stiffened and tried to relax quickly afterward.
Dean sat across from me. I looked into his eyes to gauge how he’s feeling then averted them.
“Just for a day or t-two. Then I would spend the rest with you guys.”
“That would be awesome. I keep telling my brother about you and he wants to meet you. He and I are Facebook friends, and he’s always asking me who’s that girl I’m always taking pictures with,” Michelle says.
I really wish she wouldn’t have said that. Dean and Kyle get overly protective.
“No, your brother won’t be meeting her. She’s not going anywhere, except with us,” said Kyle.
“Kyle, you don’t own her. You two are just friends. She’s almost 19 and hasn’t had a boyfriend or even kissed a boy. How will she know what she wants unless she explores.”
Kyle jerked his head back in shock and put his hand on his chest. “Explore, she ain’t exploring shit. So what, you want her to just go around kissing and fucking people just to see if they are a good fit.”
I held my head down during the whole exchange. I’ve seen her brother on Facebook and I wouldn’t mind meeting him. I do want to start dating.
“A-actually Kyle, I w-would like to meet her brother.”
“No,” Kyle says.
“Kyle, I want to date and go out and stuff. W-when can I start?” I’m cut off mid-sentence.
“No,” Dean growls. “That’s final.”
“Y’all don’t own her, and you are not her man or her dad.” I really do appreciate Michelle for sticking up for me, but she needs to be quiet or else they will remove her from my life.
Dean says, “Michelle, if you want to continue to be her friend, I suggest you be quiet.”
“No, please.” I held my hand up. My heart thumped with fear. I like having her as a friend.
“Michelle, you go ahead to your parent’s house, then later on, you can catch up to me at Kyle’s house.”
“Pfff, whatever.”
I looked over at Kyle then Dean. My heart aches with the love I feel for them. I’ll do anything for them. They would do anything for me. But our relationship, if it can be called that, I don’t even know what to call it anymore. is so intense. I feel like I just need a break from it. I won’t be getting that break any time soon though.
“Cool, wait for me Friday. I’ll need a ride. David has Lucille.”
I nodded. Kyle kissed me on the forehead. He looked down in my face. He studied me. “I love you,” he said then left.
“Mm.” Dean mumbled then got up and went to the senior table. It was full of guys and girls. Even the redhead that was once at my house screaming at him was there.
A different emotion hit me. He does this to me every time. “Girl don’t listen to them. They around here sexing these chicken heads. You should be able to do whatever you want. Here, take this. It’s my brother’s number. Call him. Just start off slow with phone conversation then when you feel comfortable; go out on a date.” She shoved the number in my hand. I looked over at Dean to see if he’s looking. He’s not. I quickly put the number in my pocket.
“Thank you.”
She got up. “No problem. I’ll see you in class.”
I got up and dumped my tray. Out of nowhere my shoulder was bumped, hard. “Bitch.” It was the redhead. She hates me and I don’t know why. She and Dean aren’t dating. He pays her no mind. I did hear of him dating other girls and I say dating loosely because Dean doesn’t date. Why won’t she go and bully one of them.
I just let it go for now. I have my own problems. Should I call him? I’ve seen pictures of him. His smile is mesmerizing. It’s bright and full of life. I think Michelle said his name is Kunal. They are Indian and white. Michelle’s first name has a lot of syllables, so she goes by Michelle, which is her middle name. They are both beautiful people. Kunal’s skin is a pretty caramel color. His skin is pretty and smooth looking. His shoulder length hair is curly. 
As I walk to class. I pulled the paper from my pocket and dialed his number.
“Um, hi. My name is Danny. I’m Michelle’s friend.”
“Hi, yes. I know who you are.”
I nodded then realized he couldn’t see me.
“Mm, ok.”
“So where are you right now?”
“I’m at school,” I replied. “Where are you?”
“I’m at work.”
“Oh, where do you work?”
“My family owns a plaza and I do all the advertising and administration work. Do you have a job?”
I remember my job at the hardware store. Dean made me quit. I told him no at first, then he enlisted the help of my grandfather. Since all my grandfather’s military investments were finally paid out, he didn’t need me to work anymore. My grandfather said he will buy me anything I need. When Dean and Kyle got wind of it, they made me quit. I was so frustrated that I went inside my room and didn’t come out. That lasted maybe two days before Kyle climbed the tree and forced his way into my room and called me childish. We moved to a different house. A bigger house. I like the house, I just hate that my room is by a tree.
“No, I don’t have a job. I will start interning in a year or two though.”
“What profession are you in school for?”
“Business economics.”
“Oh wow, so you’re interested in the hard questions of the world.”
I laughed. “I guess so. Listen, I’m almost to my class. But this was n-nice.”
“I agree. Can I call you after I leave work? Around 4 maybe.”
“Uh, yeah, sure. I’d love that.” I hung up and went inside my class.
Michelle bumped my shoulder playfully. “Who was that?”
“It was Kunal, and you were right. He seems nice. We didn’t talk much, just about work and school.”
“Are you talking again?”
“Yes, later, but Chelle. We have to keep this from Dean and Kyle for now. They will flip.”
“Why do you let them run your life? Stop letting them boss you around.”
“You don’t understand. They are always there for me. I love them.” I smiled in remembrance.
“I remember one time when I was on my period. I was cramping so bad. I was miserable. I called them crying and upset because I have never bled or cramped that bad before. I was scared because I was borderline hemorrhaging. They came over in the middle of the night. They comforted me. I ran out of pads after maybe two hours. Kyle drove a whole state over to find a 24-hour Walgreens. While Dean stayed and held me. Kyle didn’t know what kind of pads I used so he bought them all. He also bought me heating pads to go on my back and stomach. When my grandfather woke up from all the noise and saw them there. He just turned around and walked back to his room. It was hilarious. They cuddled me and took care of me all night up into the early morning. But they didn’t stop there; they took me to my OBGYN the next day. We found out that I had fibroids pressing on my uterus, hence the heavy blood flow. I had surgery that following week. They never left my side, Chelle. They are sweet in their own way. They have flaws, but don’t we all?” I shrugged.
“That’s pretty awesome they did that for you. During the week of my period, my boyfriend gets lost.”
We both laugh.
“Most people never find what you have with them. I’m glad you have them. Don’t tell them I said that.”
I smiled. “I won’t.

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