Chapter 28

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Danny Pov

I laughed as Kyle sang along with the radio. When he sings along with a song, he changes all the words and just freestyle. He's so annoying when he does that. It's so aggravating because he makes no sense.

"Hey, I'm from outta space, I got a spaceship and I'm ready to return," Kyle sang along to Jericho wrong, annoying me further.

"Hey, would you cut it out slim shady?"

"Hey, I'm one of the greats."

"No, you're not. You come nowhere near Eminem status."

He chuckled. I became serious. "Do you think that he's gonna be mad, Kyle?"

"Why would your grandfather be mad that you're pregnant? You are grown. Not a child. You have the means to support it."

"Yeah, but he hasn't seen me in two years. What if he's upset."

"You need to stop worrying about what other people will think about how you're living your life."

I stopped and pondered on that. If I do that, I will have a lonely existence. I'm not prepared to cut people out of my life because they don't agree with me. Especially my grandfather.

Dean finally let me out of the house. I've spoken with my grandfather but I haven't seen him.

"And plus. If you haven't noticed, you won't be able to hide anything from him. You're already showing."

I gasped. "Am not."

"Yes you are. Your hips are a little bigger and so are your boobs."

"Are you calling me fat?"

"No, of course not, but you have to know that you will gain weight. It's the only way to keep your baby healthy. By the way if it's a girl you need to name her Kyle. If it's a boy, name him Kyle."

I giggled. "Deal."

He became serious. "Since I have multiple leadership roles and command my own sector. I'm thinking about coming out. I mean with David. I stopped having sex with women last year."

I gasped. "Oh Kyle, that's wonderful."

"Yeah. I still don't know how everything will be perceived. Dean is at the helm. If he doesn't agree then no one else will."

"Kyle. I don't think he will care."

He remained silent.

"We're here." When we pulled up to my grandfather's home, I was happy. I hopped out of the car and ran inside calling for him.

I found him in the kitchen. I ran to him and threw my arms around him. "Hi grandpa. I know you must be angry with me. But I promise I won't do it again. The letter came at the moment when I was doubting myself. And so I went. I now realized how stupid running off with strangers was. I'm lucky to be alive, I know that."

"Danny, what are you prattling on and on about?"

"That night when the letter came to my window. I left."

Kyle said. "Is that how you left? Someone wrote a letter and stuck it under your window and you thought you could trust them. Danny, how could you be so foolish."

"Kyle," came a sharp bark.

I turned my head to my grandfather. I've never heard him use that tone.

"She thought she was doing what was best for her," my grandfather said.

"That's right, pop. But I won't do it again. I swear."

My grandfather stared down at me with a look that I've never seen before. "Kyle, can you give us a minute?"

When Kyle nodded and left my grandfather looked down at me with a weird expression.

"Danny, the next few weeks of your life are about to be difficult. Your mother..."

He was silenced by bullets hitting the house. He grabbed my head and threw me down on the floor.

"Kyle!!" I shouted when he started shooting back.

Kyle ran into the kitchen, he grabbed me and kicked a side door open that leads to the back staircase. "Stay here." He turned, started shooting for cover fire and went to grab my grandfather. When my grandfather came through the door he had a large rifle in his hand.

I stared at him in shock. It was hard to believe that my grandfather was ever in the Marines. He's so nice, sweet and patient. He's stern but understanding. So yes, it shocked me to see the murderous expression on his face.

"Take Danny and leave from the backdoor. I'll cover you. Take care of her, Kyle."

He nodded and grabbed my arm. "Wait, what do you mean you'll hold them off, grandpa. You can't do that."

"I can. Now go."

"Grandpa, no please! Come with us."

"Danny, move, now!"

I stared at him, shocked once again. He's never used that tone with me. I ran to him and hugged him. We had to duck because plaster was shredded by bullets right next to us.


"Go, now!" Kyle pulled me away while my grandfather cocked his rifle like a professional on TV and opened fire.

Kyle kicked the back door open. He looked left then right, grabbed my hand and led me out.

We ran from the back yard. We circled back towards the front of the house. Kyle opened fire as I ran and got into the car. I couldn't help but to scream and cry the whole time.

"Danny! Quiet!"

I slapped my hand over my mouth as he returned more fire, threw the car in gear and sped off.

I cried the whole way home. I grabbed my phone and called my grandfather. No answer.

"Kyle, my-my grandfather. He-he. Let's go back."

I was babbling. I couldn't get out a single sentence without crying.

"Did you not see all the guns he had? Your grandfather can take care of himself. When we get home, I'll send a team over."

"Can-can you call them now."

He nodded and pulled out his phone and dialed. He shouted out some orders then hung up.

When we made it home I ran into Dean's arms and cried. But he was stiff and wouldn't return my affection. I looked up at him.

"Troy is here." He said this so solemnly that I got confused. He's still doubting that the baby is his. How could he? It's like he doesn't know me at all. I get it though. I've been gone for two years. I stayed with Kunal and we were sighted kissing.

I nodded and followed him. "Dean, we need to talk," demanded Kyle.

"Not now, Kyle," Dean said those words with a lethal tone so Kyle didn't say anything else.

I made my way to a room down the hall off to the kitchen. Dean was looking so angry that I became nervous. He blew out a breath. I grabbed his hand but he shook me off. My heart pounded with rejection. Tears came to my eyes as I laid on the bed and let the doctor poke and prod me. I don't know what he was doing, I was too busy looking at Dean's face. On second thought, he looks nervous, not angry. After taking what he needed from me, he went and got a sample from Dean.

While waiting for the results, the doctor busied himself with checking the baby's heartbeat and whatnot, which I hardly paid attention to. I was looking at Dean and trying to decipher his expression.

Kyle was here as well holding my hand. I was biting my lip with trepidation. I was scared and don't know why.

Kyle leaned down and kissed me on my lip that I was biting. "Stop." He smiled and I smiled back.

"Results are ready." We all looked at Troy. He looked nervous as well. He picked up something and dropped it then dropped it again.

He turned to us and said, "Dean is not the father."

I gasped. 

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