Chapter 27

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Danny Pov

I stared at nothing. Shocked would be putting it mildly. Before I ran away I was taking birth control. But I've been gone for two years. I was by myself so I saw no need.

"She's pregnant? How could you be so stupid." She looked at Kyle.

Kyle shook his head. "Don't look at me. I'm not the one that took advantage of a vulnerable girl."

She looked at Dean. "I want a DNA test. It's not yours. She is just trying to trap you. She's been gone for two years."

I put my hand over my ears and rocked back and forth. She spits nothing but sharp, cutting hate.


"Don't mom me. She was with the Patel boy for days. She was sighted multiple times kissing him. Don't be stupid, son. I'll get Troy over here and he can do the test while the child is still in the womb."

When she said that I gasped and looked at Dean. He had fire in his eyes. "Did you kiss that motherfucker?"

"Dean?" I was shocked that he would spit this much venom towards me.

He was walking towards me. "Kyle move."

He looked at me. "Did you."

"I..i, yes." Before I could get the words out, he slapped me. I fell back onto the couch.

"Dean, stop." Kyle got between us.

He shoved Kyle out of the way. From the corner of my eye, I saw his mother smirk. She really hates me. Why would she bring that up? Poor Kunal. He had a house full of informants. I wonder how many works here.

He grabbed me. "What else did you do? Did you fuck him?"

"No Dean. Please. I didn't do anything. It was only a kiss."

"How many times did you kiss him?"

"Only once." My heart started racing. He slapped me again. I tried to run but he caught me. Kyle jumped in front of us. I took that time to run.

I didn't get far. He grabbed me and threw me on the floor. How could this happen? We were happy until his mother started coming around. How can he believe this of me?

"Dean, stop. You'll hurt the baby," shouted Kyle.

"That baby isn't his. She's a low born slut," his mother screamed out.

I crawled to the corner and stayed there while they all argued. I got up and tried to get to a phone to call my grandfather.

Dean grabbed me. "Dean please. Calm down." He was about to rage, and I was getting terrified.

"Dean. Leave her alone." Kyle snatched me from him.

"Move Kyle. This bitch will tell me the truth." He tried to shove Kyle out of the way and grab me, but I took off running. He was facing the door, so I avoided going that way. I ran upstairs.

"Danny!" He started calling my name in a deranged, demonic way. My heart continuously pounded with fear as I ran while simultaneously looking for a place to hide. I could not hear anything he said because my heart was beating in my ears so loudly.


I ran faster. Looking for a place to hide. I couldn't let him find me. He's going to kill me. How could he listen to his mother?

I found an empty room and hid in the closet. Then I realized how clique that was. Then I hid under the bed. That was even sillier. But I couldn't decide fast enough because I heard him coming down the hall yelling.

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