Chapter 13

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Danny Pov

The next morning I woke up and brushed my teeth. I winced at my sore ass. Dean left me some cream to put on my butt and some pain pills.

We didn't do much. We sat around watching Christmas movies. Even though it wasn't Christmas yet, we still exchanged gifts. I bought Dean a double frame made of crystal to put his degree and business license in. I got Kyle a cover for his steering wheel. It was a custom-made steering cover. It has all our pictures embedded in it. Different poses. Different places.

Two days later Michelle came, and my mood improved. Finally, another female that isn't a total bitch. We invited everyone over and took pictures in our Christmas pajamas. I bought a background that we could take pictures in front of. During this whole time, I was as far from Dean as I could get without him noticing my withdrawal. When we took pictures, I was at the very end. When we sat down. I sat on the very far end of the couch.

I've been with Michelle. We've been swimming, watching tv and talking late into the night.

"When are you going home?" She asked me.

"Soon. I only have a couple more days left. I wanted to spend it with my grandfather."

"One of those days you could come to my house and spend the night. Kunal will be there."

"I don't know, Michelle. The guys are pretty grumpy these days."

"So, don't tell them. Make them think you'll be at home then sneak out and come to my house. I'll come get you so your car will be there. You don't have to spend every hour with them. They want to control your life while they hide things from you. Did you know that Dean might be getting engaged after he graduates in 3 months."

"What, no way. He would have told me."

"No he wouldn't. They hide all kinds of things from you."

She's right. I don't even know who their parents are. I'm starting to believe that they don't even live here. Whenever I questioned them, they changed the subject or became upset. This angers me. I'm just their puppet for them to master and I'm tired of it. Why do they keep things from me? They are supposed to be my friends.

"Ok, I'll do it."


The next morning I'm preparing to leave. Since last night I've been aloof. I've just realized that this friendship is one sided. It makes me sad. The implication of it all. Don't they trust me? Why not tell me the truth.

I slammed the trunk and walked to the driver's side. "Are you gonna lose the attitude and tell us bye," asked Kyle.


"I find it strange that you get this way whenever Michelle is around. Maybe we need to fix that problem." Dean always has to cut me to the quick.

"It's not a problem, Dean. I'm just tired. I miss my grandfather. I don't have to be with you all the time. Maybe we need to free up some time so you could be with your fiancé."

I got in the car and pulled off. My phone started ringing but I ignored it. I don't have time for them right now. They have taken up my entire Christmas break with their controlling ways. When I made it home I felt like a burden had been lifted. I felt free.

"Grandpa, I'm home."

"Hi baby. I've missed you. How are Kyle and Dean?"

"I've missed you too grandpa. Kyle and Dean are fine." I went to my room and called Michelle.

"Michelle, I'm terrified. Are you sure this will work?"

"Calm down, of course it will. Why are you nervous? They are not your man or your father. They are your friends, who both have future plans that may or may not include you."

I remained silent. What if she's right. Will they get married and dump me? Kyle always says that he will get married when his family picks out his wife. He's bisexual. He still enjoys having sex with females. David is the only male he has sex with. That I know of. Again. Who are their family? I always thought it was strange that their family would pick out their wives for them. Who does that?

"You're wrong Michelle, so please let's drop it. Will your brother be there?"

"No, not tonight, he's working."


Dean Pov

Kyle paced back and forth. "That bitch told her. I know it."

"Kyle, she could have gotten that from an internet search. I still can't believe she doesn't know who our family is."

"She's naive. Who becomes friends with people without checking them out."

Kyle is upset because he doesn't like when Danny acts like this. He wants her to remain his sweet naive friend. He and I decided that we aren't going to marry anyone our parents pick out. This surprised him because I'm the one that's always telling him to act right and fully give himself to this life. I love the life. I'm good at it. But I'm almost 24 and I don't want to get married. I'm trying to start a business and married life will only hinder that.

"Fuck Dean, did you see how she was when she left here? She was determined about something. I'm losing her. Every time I call her phone it goes to voicemail. If she doesn't answer soon, I'm going over there and raising hell."

I saw that. She was acting very suspicious, which is why I decided to take a midnight scroll over there later. Kyle is freaking out. He loves her. I know he has no romantic feelings towards her. She is always there for him with nothing but love and understanding and he doesn't want to lose that. Danny is his rock. He depends on her for comfort.

Danny is loyal to him, and she loves him.

She hasn't got the hang of, this my way or the grave deal yet, though. If she thinks that she will have a life without me in it then she's sadly mistaken.

I know that I love her, and I have no problem telling her. She thinks it's all in a friendly way though. For now, things will remain how they are. She will do as I say while I tie things up. My family can't know how close she and I really are. Not to mention the stain on her heritage. She's a mutt to the first, second and third degree. My family isn't racist per se, but they don't believe in tainting the bloodline.

Danny is as tainted as they come as far as bloodlines goes. If she were black with a good pedigree, my family wouldn't care. My family belongs to a secret society that's made up of multiple families. It's so many that I haven't met them all. My parents only introduced me to it when I became an adult. Danny is too pure. I don't want my family attacking her. She's too naive and sweet. So unsure of herself.

But today she was very sure of something.

She can ignore Kyle calls, but she wouldn't dare ignore mine. I picked up the phone and dialed her number. 

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