Chapter 21

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Two Years Later

Danny Pov

I switched the phone to my other ear so that I could pour tea. "Yes, grandpa, I'm fine as always. Just a little vacation. I will be back soon, but not now. I need to do this for myself."

"Ok, sweetheart. Love you."

I hung up and took a deep breath. My grandfather doesn't know the whole story. He just knows that my friend died and I had to leave. I wrote him a note and disappeared into the night.

I sat down and took a sip of my tea. This villa is very beautiful and peaceful. But I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss my old life. Tears rushed to my eyes when I thought about my old life and what happened to end my bliss.

When my grandfather learned of Michelle, he came and got me and brought me home. But I couldn't sleep, my body ached and I had nightmares. I was in turmoil. That night I heard a noise at my window. When I went to see what the noise was, there was a letter there explaining how I could leave and where to go if I wanted to get away. With the way I was feeling at the time, I decided to trust the stranger. I didn't care that I could possibly die. I wanted to get away that badly. I wrote my grandpa a note and left from the window and made my way to this villa that no one knows about. I'm still in school, just online. The stranger, my benefactor as I call them, communicates with me through letters under a rock. I tell them what I need and how everything is going and they supply me with whatever I need. It was hard trusting strangers.

I always end the letter with, what do you want from me.

The reply is always the same. Just want to help.

I looked at the time and smiled. Almost that time. As I wait for the meeting time, I get lost in my thoughts and memories, which was a bad idea because tears rushed to my eyes. How could my life change so drastically? One thing I have learned from all this is when a person shows you who they are, believe them. Do not doubt what you are seeing because of love. But I knew and I still stayed and did nothing. I knew Dean was capable of murder. It was in his eyes whenever he got angry. But never in a million years I would have believed that he would hurt me by killing Michelle in the most brutal of ways.

At first I was angry at Kyle. He told me not to say anything to the police. Then I became angry at myself, because even if Kyle didn't tell me not to say anything, I wouldn't have. I would have protected Dean because I love him. I'm obsessed with him and each day that I'm away from him is killing me softly. So no, I didn't want him in prison. Kyle also said that it wasn't Dean's style. Whatever that meant. He said that Dean would never kill a person by a car bomb. I was confused when he said that but if Dean didn't do it then who did. Dean had threatened Michelle so many times. Then I became confused. I had no choice. I had to leave, which hasn't helped much because I'm still as confused as ever.

Dean and possibly Kyle are killers and murderers and I can't be a part of that life, at least that's what I'm telling myself. Kyle has always been easier to sway than Dean so it's hard for me to deduce that he's a killer, but he stood with Dean when he said that he didn't do it. But I don't believe him. My life took a dark turn that night. I was heading to the restaurant, but Michele texted me so I turned back around and I regret that I did. Not only that but what Michelle was doing.... My thoughts were cut off by my timer.

I smiled. I picked up the phone and dialed.

"Danny baby. Where are you?"

"Kyle, I've told you. I need some space. I need time."

"How much time do you need? I need you with me. I love you."

He sounded so desperate. I love Kyle so much. That's why I risk exposure to call him. My benefactor assured me that my calls couldn't be traced.

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