Chapter 7

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Danny Pov

I smiled at Kyle as he nudged his nose against my chin. He and I are like two peas in a pod again. I grabbed Dean's hand and smiled at him. I'm in the front seat between them both as we drive up to the camping spot. The wind is blowing our hair. Dean has all the windows down and the air is perfect. The back seat is full of kids hitching a ride with us. It's noisy but I love it. I have Kyle back. He's been so withdrawn from me and I didn't like it. I talked to him and let him know how I felt. He apologized and said he needed me in his life. I need him in mine as well. He has his psycho ways, so does Dean but they said people have flaws. That particular one just so happens to be theirs. Kyle is scary, he's not as scary as Dean. Dean is scary and intense. But they are both my friends and I'll be with them every step of the way, I decided. I know they won't do anything to hurt me.

"I was missing you, Kyle."

"Why were you missing me? You're the one factor in my life that will never change. No matter what. I'm an asshole and I get in my moods but that has nothing to do with you." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my jaw.

I nodded. "Ok."

"What are we doing first?"

I've never been camping before. I packed my clothes. Kyle said he would take care of the rest.

"After we set up the tent we're going rope swinging."

"What's that?"

"It's when you swing from a rope and land in the lake."

"You do know that I'm black right? And you want me to get my hair wet."

He rolls his eyes. "I brought plenty of hair ties for you. Braid it up and tie it up. No excuses. After one beer you'll have some courage."

"She's not drinking, Kyle."

I turned to him. "But I'm almost 18. Why can't I have just one?"

"Because you'll get drunk. Drunk people's inhibitions start to lower after the first drink. I don't need guys trying to take advantage of the drunk girl."

"But you'll be here to protect me."

"I said no."

"Dean, please, just one. I'll remain a good girl."

"Yeah Dean, she'll be fine. Let her live a little. It's her birthday weekend."

I squeezed his hand. "I know you're trying to be a good friend and watch out for me. I'll be good. If anything happens, I have both of you."

Dean took a deep breath. "Fine."

I smiled and kissed his jaw, then kissed Kyle's jaw.

He shifted. I saw his gun.

"Can you please put that away. You know that thing scares me. Why do you even have it?"

"I'll put it away."

"Thank you."

"Here, your grandfather told me to give this to you for your birthday since he's not here to give it to you," Dean said, then handed me a box. I opened it. It was a bracelet with small charms attached. One was a piece from my father's medal that he was awarded while in service. Next was two small lockets. One was of my father and the other one was of me when I was little. There were charms from places that we've traveled and stayed.

Kyle took it from me and fastened it on my wrist. How did he make our faces so small to go inside these small lockets?

I gasped and wiped tears from my eyes. I grabbed my phone and sent my grandfather a heart filled text. I refuse to call him with all the teenagers screaming in the background.

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