Chapter 64

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"Oh my gosh Thiago get up and turn that shit off!" I yell at him but he doesnt move. This man is sleeping like a damn rock. He's lying right on top of me.

"Why...?" He asks and goes back to sleep. I reach for his phone and press stop on his alarm.

"You gotta get up" I tell him but he doesn't move.

"Why? But I'm so comfortable" he says and hugs me tighter.

"I told you you should've just went back to sleep. Now you don't wanna get up" I say and he just lifts his head up for a second then lays it back down on my chest.

"Can I just sleep for a few more minutes?" He asks and I roll my eyes and decide to not bother him anymore for now but if I have to hear that alarm again it's gonna drive me fucking insane.

I run my hands through his hair a couple times then close my eyes and start to go to sleep myself.

'Beep bee-'


I lift him up off of me and throw him on the other side of the bed.

"Ughhhhh" he groans then gets up and I shut his phone off again.

"Yeah get your ass up and bring your phone with you" I say then lay back down and cover my head with the covers. I hear him fumble around and getting ready and I close my eyes and go back to sleep.

"Sienna" I hear someone say but I roll over on the other side of my bed to get away from it.

"Sienna" the voice follows me. I recognize it as Thiagos voice but u don't wanna get up.

"Come on wake up" he says then starts shaking me.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" I ask and move the covers from my face and look up at him.

"I got someone I want you to mee-see. I got someone I want you to see" he quickly corrects himself.

"Why you change that meet into a see?" I ask him.

"Because- I don't know I don't want you to meet her-"

"Who the hell are you taking me to?" I cut him off.

"Ok listening don't wang you to meet her, I just want you to acknowledge her presence" he says which makes me even more suspicious.

"Thiago you taking me to see some random bitch I don't know?" I ask him and sit up. He sits next to me and grabs my hand. I use my other to grab my glasses and put them on.

"Ok now wait a minute mama. I don't wanna seem like I'm keeping something from you. But I also don't want you to hurt her or me if you find out some other way" he says and I shake my head.

I feel like this could've waited until I woke up naturally.

"Fine whatever" I say and he gets up and pulls me up with him. He starts dragging me and we walk outside the room. It's a far walk because we go into the other side of this house thing.

We get to what I assume is an office and he opens it. When he does I see a white girl with brown hair. When she sees us she immediately gets up and walks over to me with a smile on her face.

This is weird.

"Hello ma'am it is so nice to meet Mr. Garcías girlfriend. My name is Victoria and I'm his PA" she says and puts her hand out for me to shake.

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