Chapter 45

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Even after Hendrix tried to stop me from going down there alone, I had to keep him from going with me. I grab my gun and my knives and head down to the lobby. Today I'm gonna prove myself worthy of a mafia that I don't even want. What has my life come to.

I don't go downstairs yet and sit on the rail that's high above the lobby but I try to keep myself hidden. Then I listen.


I know exactly where that floor board is so I take one of my knives out and throw it full speed at where the sound came from. But I guess I got caught because whatever it was jumped put of the way. Fast.

There's only two people in the room. Well judging from what I can hear. I hear them start to split up on opposite sides of the room. Left and right.

The one on the left has a weapon of some sort but I can't figure out what it is. It keeps jingling when they walk. The one on the right though, is clean.

So I decide to take the one on the right out first. I can hear them walking right underneath the rail I'm on. I quickly jump down from the rail. Yes that shit hurt. But I'll be fine.

I land right behind the person and swing right. They move out of the way but I can hear where they're moving so I advance towards them again but this time fake left then swing right again. They dodge again. This time I wait a few seconds for them to attempt to hit me first. But nothing.

What? Does this guy not hit girls or something?

"Sie-" I swing again but miss again.

Shit. This nigga is fast.

I swing again but this time he catches my fist, so I kick him in his side and throw him down on the ground. I take my gun out of my pocket and put it to his forehead ready to shoot.

"Wait! Listen-"

"Stop" I hear Frank say from behind me and I turn around to face him.

"Now the real test begins" he says in an evil way.

"Young man. State who you are" he says and I'm confused.

Why would he want me to know who this is before I kill them? That makes no damn sense.

"Listen it's me. Don't you remember me?" He says and I'm not quite catching his voice although it sounds familiar. Nobody can see them. I hold up the gun to his face anyway my hand starts shaking.

His last name is Garcia?

"Don't do this Sienna" I hear him say. I take my hand and touch his face, then his hair. It's him alright.

I don't think I can do this.

"Your last name is Garcia?" I ask him and he remains silent.

I didn't know it was him that was here...

"I can't do it" I say and throw my gun to the side. Just then I feel burning pain somewhere in my body I can't tell where, it's just below the chest that's all I know.

I look down and see that I was shot, right in the abdomen. My muscles start constricting around the bullet wound making blood gush out of it even more.

"Don't fucking do that!" Thiago yells at me.

"Well what the you expect... me to do...?" I strain out then fall back. Then feel something soft block the bleeding.

"I knew I was a fool to trust you. If you can't do a simple fucking job then how are you gonna handle-" he stops speaking and another shot rings through the air. I don't know what the fuck is going on right now. I look around and smile and start laughing.

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