Chapter 36

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I wake up and see that Thiago is still sleep. I carefully get out of bed so I don't wake him up and he seems to be in a deep sleep. I get dressed in my sweatshirt and sweatpants. When I get up baby Optimus gets up too and follows me out of the room.

We go downstairs and I get a call from an unknown number, but I don't answer because my mom always said if they don't leave a voicemail, it wasn't important.

Then I go to the chefs and ask them to make some pancakes and sausages. They all nod and get to cooking. Just then my phone starts buzzing again and when I look I see that it's the same number.

I ignore it again and turn my attention to the chefs cooking.
Just then it rings again from the same number.

What the fuck. I'm just gonna answer.

"Hello?" I ask and what I heard next shocked me.

"Sienna? Sienna? Baby can you hear me?" My jaw drops. It was my mother's voice. And she sounds like she's in distress.

What the fuck is going on?

"Mom? What's going on?" I ask her urgently and she panting.

"I'm in some big trouble baby. I need you to come to me. But alone" she tells me and it sounds like she's terrified. Now I'm starting to panic.

Alone? What type of shit is she in?

"Ok I'll be there. When?" I ask and get up from my seat.

"Right now. Meet me by the abandoned ice cream place. By the bank" she manages to get out while she's breathing erratically.

"By that alley...?" I ask hesitantly now getting a little suspicious.

"Yes please hurry. I don't know what they'll do to me if you don't. Please Sienna" she cries over the phone.

"Ok mom I'm coming don't worry" I tell her over the phone and I can hear her crying over the other end. Just then I decide to put the phone on mute and go talk to Luis.

I walk to Luis's room and get to the door and don't even know before I go in.

"Luis I-" I start but I'm cut off by the sight I'm seeing in front of me right now.

What...? But...

It's Luis and my mom sitting together on his office couch. I can't believe my fucking eyes. So then I turn back to the phone and unmute it.

"Who the fuck are you and how did you get this number?" I ask and as soon as they hear that they know that their act is over and they end the phone call. As soon as I go to click on the number it says. 'No caller ID'.

"Damn it" I say under my breath and Luis gets up from his sofa.

"What's wrong Vanity? What happened?" He asked and I sigh.

"Someone got a sample of my mom's voice and used it to make me think that she was in some sort of trouble." I say and he looks at me with anger and shock.

"What?" He asks me and I nod.

"They almost had me until they said come alone and go by the abandoned ice cream shop" I say.

"Give me your phone. I can track the number" he tells me and holds his hand out and I shake my head.

"You can't. I already tried to get the number but now it just says no caller id" I tell him and he groans in frustration.

"It's fine though. I know better anyway" I tell him and he shakes his head. I

"No it's not fine. That means someone is out to get you" he tells me and my mom speaks up.

"Nothing serious darling" he tries to tell her but she's not buying it.

"No. It sounded serious. You tell me what's going on right now" she demands him and he sighs.

"You know what? I think my breakfast is ready. Yall figure that out" I tell them and walk out. I walk out and see that baby Optimus is in the same spot he was when I left.

I take the plate with my pancakes and sausages on them and a second plate with a pancake on it for Optimus. I set it on the floor for him and i sit on the couch and eat. Just then Thiago comes down and joins me on the couch, taking one of my sausages.

"Why are you like this?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"Like what?" He asks and I sigh knowing that there's no win with him.

"Nothing" I say and he leans back and drapes his arm over my shoulders on the couch and goes on his phone. I get to the end of my breakfast and leave half a pancake and a sausage and give the plate to Thiago and he kisses my cheek and happily accepts it.

He finishes his plate and puts it back in the kitchen and comes back over to me to sit next to me again. He holds my hand and intertwines our finger and brings my hand up to his lips and kisses the back of it.

"I'm going upstairs real quick" I tell him and get up from the couch and as soon as I do he does too and put his arm around my shoulder and follows me.

What's with him today?

When we get upstairs I grab the bone that Optimus was chewing on earlier and leave my room and go back downstairs and Thiago is still holding on to me. We go to sit down on the couch.

"Alright. What's going on with you?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"What do you mean?" He asks back.

"Well you're acting clingier than usual. And your usual is pretty fucking clingy." I tell him and he shakes his head waving it off.

"I'm not. And I'm fine" he tells me.

"Whatever. But you're being weird" I say.

"You always tell me I'm weird" he tells me.

"Yeah but now I actually mean it" I say.

"No you don't" he says then lays down across my lap. I pat his back while watching Baby Optimus. I then stop and take out my phone to text my mom.

Me: mom

Mom: what

Me: hi

Mom: hi baby

Me: what doin?

Mom: nothing

Me: well we should go out
then. Like you used to

Mom: your not even old enough to be in a club 🤦🏾‍♀️

Me: so what. I'll be 18 in

Mom: ok but still.

Me: ma you don't wanna go out and have fun like you used to?

Mom: kind of.

Me: then let's go

Mom: fine

Me: be ready then.


(A/N- stupid decision? Maybe. Maybe not...number one in #africanamerican. PERIOT)

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