Chapter 6

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we sneak into this girls house to find her father, but there's not cars here so I don't even think he's inside. But we still have to be careful I guess.

As soon as we actually get in we start to hear noises. Rico looks at me and I look at him.

There's multiple people in this house. Maybe we do need back up...

"Rico-" I start to whisper but he's already caught on. And I just nod back at him. At this point we're just walking throughout the house quietly waiting to shoot the first person we see.

"Rico," I say and he looks my way "to your right. They can't see us yet." I say to him and he reaches for the gun in his waistband and slowly takes it out so that it's a quiet as possible.

There's 2 "guards" there. Those are the most unprofessional guards I've ever seen. They're not even aware of his surroundings and where is his gun?

When we least expect it the guy turns to his left and pulls out his gun real fast and points it at us but as soon as he does I pull out my gun and shoot him right between his eyes. And Rico shot the other one in his throat.

Now that they both dropped dead they made a loud noise and I know that's definitely gonna alert any other bodyguards. If there even I any.

"Aww you stole my kill" Rico whines and I roll my eyes.

"Stop your damn whining and let's finish this so we can go home." I say to him and he flips me off.

We then walk into the room that they were guarding.

Oh my god is he serious right now?

There was the man we needed to get. In bed naked under the covers with some girl in the bed with him.

What the fuck. I'm not doing this.

"Rico take this. Grab him and shoot him up with this, do her too so she doesn't wake up" I say and give him too needles.

"What the fuck? You want me to do this. You do it. You're about to be the boss of everything. This is your job." He whisper yells at me.

"Well if I'm the boss then get to it" I whisper yell back and push him into the room.

He starts going into the room quietly and then gets close enough to stick both needles in their necks.

"Good now bring him. And put some clothes on him. I don't want his naked ass in my car" I say to him and start walking out.

I go back into my car and wait for him to come back. Eventually he comes back with the man over his shoulder walking towards my car. Then he gets to the window.

"So... where we gonna put him?" He asks

"Stuff his ass in the back. I know it looks like a two seater but there is seats in the back." I say annoyed at Rico's attitude.

Rico puts his seat down and throws the guy in the back puts his seat back down and he gets in.

"Ok let's go. I can't believe you made me do that..." he mutters and I just smile.

I like it when he's miserable.

As weee about to drive away my phone starts to ring and it's an unknown number.

It's her, what if she's...

After a couple seconds of staring at my phone Rico speaks up.

"You know who that is?" He asks and dad's words ring through my head again.

"They'll kill her if you don't leave her alone"

"No I don't know who that is" the phone stops ringing and I start driving back to the house.


"Ok Rico drag his body into the house" I say and get out the car. I hear him groan loudly and I smile.

When I actually get into the house I start to call for my dad.

"Dad!" I yell and he comes out of his office. "We got the person you were looking for. Rico is dragging him in" I say and he nods. I then start heading to my room leaving him and Rico to do whatever.

All the way to my room I am thinking about the call.

It's been 30 minutes. What if she's dead by now? I need to at least drive by where she's at. Hopefully her phone isn't dead and I can track the location.

I go downstairs from my room and out to my car. Once I'm in my car I sigh before starting to drive again.

Luckily her phone wasn't dead so I know exactly where she is. When I get there it's an old house.

I get out my car and walk up to the fence when I see Vanity all bloody and beaten. My eyes widen in shock and I jump the fence and see that she in unconscious with some stuff sitting beside her and a sweatshirt on top of it.

What the fuck happened to her? Who did this? I hope she's not dead...

I try to pick her up and she just goes limp in my arms. I try not to panic because i ain't no doctor. I don't know what the fuck to do.

After staring at her unconscious body I decide that I'm going to bring her home.

My dad is gonna kill me...


When I wake up I see that I'm hooked up to a bunch of machines and is no longer on the ground. Am I in a hospital?

Oh hell no

Despite how much it hurts I spring up out of the bed and start unplugging the shit the have attached to me.

As soon as I start doing that I guess a doctor heard whatever they had stuck to me being torn off my flesh. One started rushing in and about to tell me to calm down.

I fucking hate hospitals

I start breathing heavy and getting frantic as I get up and try to walk to the door to get out and forcefully push the doctor out of the way.

Who the fuck brought me here.

My whole body hurts but I guess that's adrenaline doing its thing. I don't even know.

The doctor doesn't chase me so I guess he's calling back up.

Right before I get to the door out my room it opens and Thiago is there but I go right through him and before I can get far out of the door he grabs me and holds me close to him with his arm around me to restrain me.

"What the fuck are you doing?! You're gonna hurt yourself more!" He yells at me and I keep struggling but I think the adrenaline is wearing off because now it's starting to hurt like a bitch and I'm starting to calm down unwillingly.

"Just stop moving I ain't letting you go." He says and I start to get really tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

Maybe I should've eaten something before I went to sleep last night.

I guess Thiago notices this and calls the doctor over. But I can't really tell sound are muffled and I'm starting to see spots so instinctively I start laughing.

"What the fuck is so funny!? Keep your eyes open!" I hear someone yell and I keep the smile on my face and pass out.


(A/N-Again pls tell me if there are any mistakes. I will fix)

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