Chapter 40

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I feel like I've gone mute. I think I have but I really don't know what to say this time.

"That's right Sienna. You're my daughter" he says and I refuse to believe that. So I shake my head.

"No your not" I say back and he laughs.

"If only you could see, you would see how much alike we are." He tells me.

That can't be true. He's lying.

"You have my strength. My eyes, my genes" he tells me and I still refuse to believe it.

"You, Sienna Santro, have Frank Santro running all throughout your veins" he tells me and I don't even know what to say now.

"And I hear word from the street that you already just like me. That means we're halfway there" he tells me and I shake my head.

"I'm nothing like you. I don't even know who you are" I tell him and he laughs.

"Don't be so stupid. You're my daughter, my seed. I've been watching you ever since you were born. Until one day you were taken out of my sight. I thought I lost you" he says and I can just hear the smirk in his voice.

"But now I've found you again." He says with fake happiness and that creeps me out.

"And if you don't want to tell me anything that's fine. I'll find out." He says.

"But until then you will work for me" he says and my eyes widen.

"But don't worry. You'll take over someday when I'm dead." He says like that's a good thing. I then hear something knock behind me so I look back even though I can't see.

"I'm in front of you Sienna." He says Lowkey scaring me and making me jump.

"You will learn to use your other senses. Like uhhh...what's that artists name? Ray Charles? Your mother tells me you like his music" he tells me and he's right.

How long has he been watching me for?

"But you will have to remain blind. So you don't try to attack us or escape" he tells me.

This ain't fair.

"You will become my personal killing machine." He starts again.

"I will use you against the Garcia family." He says but I don't say anything back.

This man is actually crazy.

"Get up" he says then grabs me by my arm and yanks me up mad hard and my feet lift up off the ground. My body is still weak from whatever that man stuck me with yesterday. I can just barely walk.

He drags me to a loud room and lets me go. Now I don't know what to do or where to go. Everyone goes quiet when they see him walk in.

I then feel him grab me again then throw me onto something. I start to feel it with my hands. I run my hands across the surface, then press down on it. It's hard but slightly squishy. I then crawl back a little and my back hits some ropes.

I'm in a boxing ring?

"This right here will be your sparring partner. It needs to learn how to defend herself" I hear that man say and I can feel the eyes on me.

"I don't care what happens to her. She needs to learn. Just don't kill her" he says then I hear all the men in the room laughing.

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