Chapter 48

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(A few weeks later)

I'm still sitting here in this bed just ready to go back to the house. This is the worst. I feel like I'm bed ridden and I can't do anything for myself. Of course nobody lets me of course.

"Ms Sienna you will be able to leave today. There's just a few things that need to happen first." I hear the doctor ask me and although my sight is significantly better, I still have the glasses on as I can't seem to bring myself to take them off.

"Yeah what's up doc?" I say then quietly laugh to myself.

that's what bugs bunny says...

"First you will need to lose the glasses. I know it hurts but you will need to get used to the light" he tells me and I groan. I take the glasses off and the light hits me like a ton of bricks. I turn my head to avoid the light and squint my eyes. I put my hands over my face because it's so bright.

I haven't seen light in a minute. It doesn't help that there's a fucking light right above me.

"Move your hands mama" I hear Thiago say and he takes my hands and puts them down.

Damn I forgot he was even here.

"Try to slowly open your eyes" the doctor say and I slowly start opening them and blinking rapidly trying to get used to the light. I finally get them open and look around.

This is so weird.

"So how do you see? Can you see me?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"You're blurry" I say then look at Thiago and smile "I can see you though. I haven't seen you in so long" I say and he smiles back at me.

"Ok now we need to run you an eye exam to see what prescription glasses you need" the doctor tells me and I nod.

"You will be placed in this wheelchair so you don't have to walk" he tells me and I look at him weirdly.

"I can't just...walk?" I ask and I see his head shake.

"No that would risk you having a problem in your abdominal area and the stitches aren't fully healed yet" he tells me and I slowly nod.

Maybe being in a wheelchair will be fun...

I start to sit up and that pain in my abdomen comes back buts it's not as bad as it used to be. It's bearable now. I inhale sharply when I do though.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" Thiago asks me and I shake my head.

"Nothing. It's just...nothing. I'm good" I say then turn my body to face Thiago and have my feet hanging over the edge. Thiago offers me his hand and I take it and get down slowly and set myself carefully into the wheelchair. I go to put my hands on the wheel before Thiago stops me.

"Don't even think about it" he says and I roll my eyes.

How does he even know what I was about to do?

"Ok follow me" the doctor says and I see his figure moving out of the room and Thiago pushes me right behind the doctor. We get into a dimly lighted room and Thiago stops rolling me. The doctor then pushes me over to some sort of machine.

"Ok look into here and you will see a little hot air balloon. Try not to blink" he tells me and I look into the machine. I can see the hot air balloon because I'm literally right up on it. That's the only reason. Just then air puffs into my eye and I close it.

Damn. That's why he said don't blink?

"Ok now we have a picture of your eyes it will pop up here on the screen" he says and I see him point to something but I can't make out what it is.

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