Chapter 43

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(3 months later)

It's been 5 months since she disappeared. The worst thing is that there was no trace of where she went. No evidence, nothing. I'm starting to question if she's even alive anymore.

Sierra is crying 24/7, dad is constantly trying to comfort her, Diana is getting fatter and bitchier. Optimus keeps crying, I feel like crying and I don't know what to do. I pick up my bottle of liquor and start to drink some. Then my door opens.

"You shouldn't be drinking" it's Diana. Doesn't that bitch know how to mind her damn business?

"Get the fuck out" I tell her.

"I thought Vanity doesn't like it when you drink?" She tells me like I don't already know that.

"How about you worry about yourself and that fucking thing you have inside you!" I shout at her and turn around in my chair then I hear her start to sniffle and the door closes.

Damn it I made her cry. She needs to stay away from me.

Just then my door busts open again but this time it's my father. I turn my chair around and I'm about to say something but he slaps me. Hard. My head snaps to the side and I hold my face where he slapped me.

"What have you the crazy idea that you could talk to Diana that way?!" He yells at me and I remain silent.

"I did not raise you to treat women that way" he says sternly and I still don't say anything, not knowing what to say.

"You think Sienna would tolerate that shit you just said to Diana?" He asks me and just him bringing her up makes me sad and angry inside.

"You're going to apologize to Diana as soon as you see her again." He tells me.

"And you're not a fucking drunk so stop drinking." He tells me and takes the bottle from my hands and leaves the room.

I look around not knowing what to do now so I start crying. I put my head down on my desk and start silently sobbing.

What's happening to me?

Optimus hears me cry and he comes to my feet and licks my leg. It makes me smile a little so I back my chair up a little and he climbs up on my lap and jumps onto my desk. I lay my head next to his and caress his head. He starts licking the tears off my face.

What if she's still alive and just moved on and completely forgotten about me? I'm never gonna hear her voice again, or her guitar playing or see her beautiful brown eyes again.

I'll never get to ride on her bike again. I'll never get to hold her again. I'll never get to be in her presence again. I don't know why dad is on my dick about it. He still has his lady. I lost mine.

I pick my head up from the table and start to think. Yes, think. For the first time in 4 months. So I think back to right before her birthday before we stopped being together all the time. There was a reason why I was up her ass all day. I just can't remember it. Then I really start to think.


I go downstairs to get her takis and eat them all, like she told me not to but then that assassin kid comes in the door.

"Thiago. My man. What's up?" He says acting like we're friends.

"Shut the fuck up" I tell him and he laughs.

"Oh why so hostile? Is it because you know I'm the better man?" He asks me and I narrow my eyes a little.

"You're not shit. So shut the hell up" I tell him and he laughs and gets closer to me. I hate that he's taller than me.

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