Chapter 8

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I get back into my room and sit on the floor to take in my surroundings. I don't wanna go to sleep because I'm in an unfamiliar environment. Plus what if that guy comes back with more people and tries to kill me again?

It's about 2am and I'm still awake. I decide to grab my guitar and start playing. About 10 minutes into me playing someone comes in. It's Thiago.

"What are you doing up?" He asks me. "It's 2 in the morning go to sleep" he tells me.

"You go to sleep. What are you doing up?" I retaliate and he just sighs.

"I was just... walking by and I heard you playing your guitar." He says and I stay quiet. He then looks down to the right and on the floor and sees my half eaten plate.

"Did you not like the food? Why is it just half eaten?" He asks me and I just shake my head.

"I wasn't really that hungry. The food was good." I say and he sits on the floor next to me. And I kinda feel nervous.

"So what is this?" I ask him.

"What is what?" He asks but he knows what I'm talking about.

"What is this. This place, you, every one else here. What is it. I know I'm not just at your house where everything is normal. What did you bring me into?" I ask and he sighs and looks at me. He has brown eyes.

"Ok fine. You wanna know? We are the Spanish mafia. I brought you here to protect you." He says.

Is he being serious?

"You speak Spanish?" I ask him.

"Yeah...? Why?" He asks me back.

"Oh no reason..." I say back.

I can't speak it well but I do understand it. Now I can just be eavesdropping.

"You need to eat something. You haven't eaten in the last few days" he finally says to me.

"Chill out I ate. It's not that serious. I just didn't eat the whole thing" I say to him and he just rolls his eyes and sighs in annoyance.

"So I'm guessing that you and Rico don't actually go to school then huh?" I ask him and he shakes his head no.

"How old are you actually then" I ask.

"20" he says.

He doesn't even look 20 he looks my age... well... I guess  can kinda see it.

"You're 3 years older than me..." I mumble.

"Do you miss your place? Both of them. Where you used to live." He asks changing the subject, and I shake my head.

"Definitely not the one you found me at. Id rather be here, somewhere I don't know than back there. I mean... how do you think I got those fast reflexes. Not from having a peaceful life." I tell him and he seems intrigued.

"What happened to you in that house?" He asks and I just shake my head.

"It doesn't matter all that matters is that I'm not there anymore." I say to him and he doesn't like that answer.

"What the fuck happened to you in there?" He demands me to tell him.

"Don't get a fucking attitude with me. I don't have to tell you anything" I say to him and he seems to calm down.

"You know what? I'm sorry but please tell me. I just wanna know." He asks seeming more calm and I just shake my head.

"So you can get your little gang and hunt him down? I don't think so. My mom always said that people like that will have to answer to god." I say to him and he's just silent.

"I need to go get my bike. Will you drive me to where it is?" I ask him and he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I'm not driving you there because you can't drive it back here. You need to rest and it's not safe." He tells me and I wave him off and get up.

"I did it once when I fell out the tree and I'll do it again. So you either drive me there or I'll walk." I say and look down at him.

"I am not driving you there if you really want to get there you'll have to walk." He says.

He must really think I'm not gonna walk to my bike. I'd go to the ends of the earth for that bike.

"Ok" I say and start making my way out of the room and down the stairs.

I'm still walking with a bit of a limp but I make it to the front door and walk out. I start making my way to that house. But as soon as I get a couple feet past the gate and away from the houses. A loud mustang comes racing beside me and stops right next to me.

"Get in the car I'll take you to get your bike." He says and I have a look of surprise on my face.

"Are you lying?" I ask him and look into his eyes to make sure.

"No im not lying. I swear." He says and I go around and get into the car. Then we start driving. The drive is silent and it's also almost 3 in the morning and I'm tired.

About 10 minutes into the drive I start to doze off.

"We're here" he looks over at me and I get up and I see my bike. I start to get out the car but he grabs my hand.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? It's late and you're tired snd injured." He says and although I can't hear the concern in his voice I definitely see it in his eyes.

His voice is deep. Can't he talk with some emotion?

"if your that worried drive behind me. I'll be fine I promise you." I say to him and close the door to his mustang.

I start limping over to my bike and get on it. I turn it on and gun the engine.

I love that sound so much. I missed this.

I then twist the throttle and turn around quickly and leave my tire marks on the road and I start speeding down the road.

Since it's 3am there's no cars out right now and there should be no cops out either. I then see Thiago's mustang on the side of me going just as fast as I am.

Oh this nigga wants to race? Ok.

I twist my throttle even more but a little at a time to avoid the speed wobble. I pass him reaching up to 120mph. On a cruiser. My mom knew what she was doing when she bought me this.

I see the gates of his house and hit the breaks and my bike accidentally drifts into his driveway.

He follows in the driveway behind me. He turns his car off and gets out of it and I turn my bike off. I smile and looks at him.

"That was awesome! You got smoked man! In a mustang!" I start talking at him and he ever so slightly smiles.

"I let you win. You didn't win." He says.

"Yeah yeah you're just a sore loser." I say to him and we walk back into the house together.

"You know what? I think you're the only person I would actually hang out with. I like you." I say and I go up to my room and leave him standing there, he doesn't follow me.


(A/N- yall I kinda like this story... 🫢)

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