Chapter 2

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(TW- abuse)

When I'm in my next class, science, and of course she gives us a project to do when she doesn't even know how to teach the class.

I look to my right and there that kid is talking to his friends and not even paying attention to the class.

That makes two of us

As the teacher is trying explaining what to do I put my head down and my headphones in. After about 10 minutes of listening to music. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and it's that kid from before.

"Teacher said that you were my project partner." He says and I just stare at him and audibly sigh out loud.

"Do it yourself, or ask to switch partners. Do it with your friends that you were talking to. Just get the hell away from me" I say and put my head back down. Before I put my headphones back on I notice the class go completely silent. But i don't care, I put my headphones on anyway and my head back down.

After a while he walks away.

————after school————

After school I get on my bike and drive back to that house. When I get there I pause for a moment before I have to go in there. Then finally open the door and make my way in there.

As soon as I walk in there I can hear yelling.

"Where the fuck have you been!?" Oh he's madddd. And drunk. Shit.

"I wasn't here. That's all you need to know" I respond with and try to walk away from the conversation and go upstairs to my room.

But as soon as I take my first step he throws a beer bottle full force at my head and I had just enough time to dodge it. Living in this house has heightened my senses. A lot.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell back at him and he goes to the kitchen. And I assume it's to grab something either bigger or sharper. I don't run upstairs because I don't want to corner myself. Been there done that.

He comes back but the item he comes back with is a bit unexpected. A knife.

What the fuck is this nigga doing?

"You tell me where you were you stupid little whore!" He yells at me again and is ready to throw the knife.

He takes the knife and flings it full force at my head again. He has the most accurate shot I ever seen for someone that is drunk and crazy.

I slightly move my head to the right and try to catch the knife.

Ah shit!

I caught the knife but I caught it too early. I caught the fucking blade. It sliced right through my hand.

"I'm not telling you shit! Fuck off!" I yell at him and leave out the house.

What the fuck was I thinking going back there...I wish my mom was here...

I go outside get on my bike and turn it on. Then realize something.

I kinda need this hand for the throttle... oh well.

I then leave for the spot I was sleeping at yesterday. That is the reason why I never go to that house, they call my "home".

When I get there I park my bike in its usual spot and start going on a walk before I actually go in the fort I made. I

While I'm on my walk which is not far from where I sleep at all. I see 2 people out the corner of my eye. Looks like one is trying to kill the other one.

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