Chapter 12

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I am woken up again out my sleep by a noise. So out of instinct I jump up and reach for the gun on my nightstand before I hear his voice.

"Calm down. It's just me." Thiago says and I sigh out of relief and lay back down on my bed.

"I didn't mean to startle you. But it's 6 pm and Diana texted me that she needed me to wake you up." He says and I silently shake my head to myself.

She could've came in here and got me.

"Ok thank you. Tell her I'll be there in a minute." I say and lay back down and get comfy.

"Did you get my note?" He asks.

"Yes I got your note. And I appreciate it." I say to him and he sits down on my bed.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asks quietly and I shake my head again.

"I never was" I say back and with that he leaves the room.

I start to doze off again and blink and he's back.

"Wake up it's 6:10 and Diana won't leave me alone."

I guess I did a little more than blink.

I groan and cover my head with the covers and turn to the other side. He walks over to the bed and leans down with his hands on it.

"Come on get up. Where are you guys going anyway?" He asks me and I partially uncover my head from the covers.

"She wants to take me shopping. And I don't wanna go." I say then get back under the covers.

"Shopping for what?" He asks and I decide to sit up to talk to him.

"She wants to take me shopping because of the mission we're going on. Apparently it's at some club and she wants me to have something nice on" I say and roll my eyes.

"Well good luck with that one." He says and leaves the room.

Wow he not even gonna help me? Some friend he is.

I decide that it's time to get up and I don't want to make Thiago come in here a third time. He seemed annoyed that he had to come a second time.

I walk down the hall to Diana's room and open the door.

"I'm up so come on hurry up. Since you wanna be rushing niggas" I say to her.

"Girl calm down. Just let me get ready real quick." She says and pushes me out of the room.

Then what the fuck did you wake me up for if you wasn't ready? Reminds me of my mom.

I wait outside her door and about 10 minutes later Rico walks by.

"What you up to V?" He asks me and I then look at him.

"Waiting for your sister to get dressed." I say and he makes a face at me.

"Yeah....You're gonna be there for a while" he says and I sigh and slide my back down the wall and sit on the floor next to the door. Rico laughs and start walking away and I notice that he goes to talk to Theo. I watch them and Diana comes out the room.

"Girl what are you staring at?" She asks me and I point to where I'm looking.

"Isn't that your ma-" but she cuts me off by hitting my arm so I put it down and shushing me.

"Don't say it out loud. What is wrong with you?" She says then grabs my hand and drags me outside.

"You got a car out here?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

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