Chapter 51

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It's now like 11 at night and I'm getting really tired. Hendrix is laying on his bed on his phone and I'm laying sprawled out across his floor. I can barely keep my eyes open. My phone buzzes which completely wakes me up.

Thiago: hey it's been a while can you come home now?

Me: I don't think I can right

Thiago: what do you mean?

Me: I'm really tired,
I can't drive right now

Thiago: ok then I'll come get you

Me: what about my bike?

Thiago: im sure Hendrix will take care of it for you

Wait a minute...

Me: how do you know
where I am?

Thiago: I'm on my way

After that whole conversation I look down at the ring he gave me.

This must be the tracker

I deeply sigh and shake my head at this.

Is this the only reason he gave this to me? To track me? All that I love you bullshit for what?

"Hendrix I'm leaving in a little" I tell him and sit up from laying on the floor.

"What? You can't drive like that" he tells me and I nod.

"I know. Thiagos coming to pick me up" I tell him.

"Oh so you told him where you were?" He asks me and I scoff and shake my head no.

"No. He put a tracker in this ring" I say and he looks down at my hand and his face turns to one of shock.

"Woah! yall got married?" He asks and I roll my eyes and lay back down on the floor.

"Hendrix you're a fucking idiot" I tell him. "Anyway I need you to let the guards know that he's coming" I say to him and he nods and gets up from his bed.

"You got it boss" he says then walks out of the room. I close my eyes and fall asleep on his floor.

I wake up to something slightly shaking me. I open my eyes a little and see Thiago. I then close my eyes again and roll over on the floor. He starts shaking me again.

"Sienna come on get up so we can leave" he tells me.

Can I just go back to sleep?

Then I rub my eyes and sit up. I put my hand up so one of them can help me up. Thiago doesn't get the memo so Hendrix takes my hand and yanks me up from off the floor and nearly took my fucking arm out the socket.

"Hendrix what the hell is wrong with you?" I ask him and push him.

"What?" He asks innocently.

"You nearly broke my fucking arm" I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"No I didn't" he tells me.

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