Chapter 28

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I wake up to Optimus jumping on top of me and whining. Thiago is still beside me and sleep.

He has to go outside right now??? I just wanna sleep.

I try to ignore him but he keeps getting louder.

"Take him outside. So he can stop whining" Thiago tells me with his face buried in the pillow.

What the fuck.

"Ok ok Optimus I'm up!" I say then get up out the bed and he follows me. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and down at my waist. There bruises and scratches all over.


I go back to the bedroom and put my shirt and pants on and we head out. Once we get outside Optimus does what he usually does. Takes his sweet ass time to sniff around and find the perfect spot.

At this point I'd rather clean up some piss.

I sit on the ground while waiting for him to do something.
He finally pees. I let out a huff.

Finally. But now I have to wait for him to shit too.

About 5 minutes later he finally starts to shit. And I mentally celebrate.

"Good boy" I tell him and let his head.

Maybe he'll shit faster next time.

He walk over to me and yawns.

"Yeah I know baby you're still tired. Come on let's go back inside" I say then pick him up in my arms and start walking back inside and up to my room.

I put Baby Optimus Prime in the bed and this time he chooses to lay at the foot of the bed. I take my shirt back off and pants and get back in the bed. Thiago pulls me closer to him and buries his head in my chest.

"I missed you" he says.

"I was gone for like 40 minutes" I say back to him and play with hair.

"Felt longer" he mumbles.

"Ok go back to sleep" I tell him and massage his scalp. He slowly drifts back off into sleep.
I do the same and close my eyes ands go to sleep.


When I wake up it's just me and Baby Optimus Prime in the bed. As soon as I wake up he wakes up too. He stretches and yawns before jumping out the bed and going to my door to scratch at it.

I put a black shirt and some sweatpants on. I get up too and open the door for him and he runs to Rico's room. He busts through the door but Rico isn't in there. Baby Optimus then starts to sniff around searching for him.

"Baby he ain't in here" I say to him but he doesn't care and continues to look for him. I sigh as I watch him look for Rico.

"What are you doing?" Diana asks from behind me. She comes up beside me and I point to Baby Optimus.

"He's looking for Rico. I told him he isn't in here but he has to look." I say to her.

"Awwww that's so cute." She gushes and then goes to pick him up. Baby Optimus lets her pick him up.

"Come on let's go to my room" she tells him and leaves. I follow her.

We get to her room and she puts Baby Optimus prime down and he goes for the socks on her floor.

"You gonna need some new socks" I tell her and she just looks at him in awe.

"That's ok" she says while watching him in awe still. I then get a text from Thiago.

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