Chapter 28

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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!
This chapter is dedicated to ApoorvajoisDNfor always being the first person to vote on my chapters 💗 Thanks for supporting my book🙊

                 Adrianna's pov

The constant banging of my head woke me up from my slumber. I wake up in my room with the duvet over me.
     I hold my forehead in my hand trying to remember how I ended up here. After a few moments, everything comes crashing into me.
     The ball, that man...

  I immediately throw off my duvet and run downstairs not minding my slightly dizzy state as a result of standing up so quick. As I enter the living room, I see Lily, Elio and Emiliano talking about something. Not really caring about what they are discussing, I call out Elio's name.

     They all turn simultaneously to me.
"Adri, what are you doing here? You should be resting. You can come downstairs later" Elio walks towards me with a worried look.

    "Where is the man?! " I yell at them not caring about anything anymore. I need to see that man immediately.
  Lily walks towards me slowly.
"We will tell you and take you to him. I just need you to calm down first". My eyes turn soft and I calm down slightly. Lily takes that as a signal to hug me. I significantly calm down in her bosom.

    "I am going to take you to the man now but promise me you won't do anything until we all know who he is. We only held him captive because of how you tried so hard to stop him. The man is currently in the dungeon. I'll take you to him but you need to tell us who he is first". I get out of her hold and nod my head feeling collected and ready to face this.

    "Okay I'll tell you guys. You can call everyone downstairs. I don't want to talk twice. I don't have that strength". Lily lets out a slight chuckle and signals Elio to call everyone.

   Few minutes go by and father and Alessandro come downstairs. Angelo comes in a few minutes later.
We all sit on the sofas after they all take turns hugging me.
  Taking a deep breath, I begin.

      "I know you guys are all confused concerning who that man is and why I created that scene at the ball. Well, that man is the scientist that I'm sure created what they experimented on me with. He is not the main person behind my kidnapping but he is equally responsible. I don't know how I remembered his face that quickly but I'm glad I did. Hopefully, he can lead us to the person that began all these". Elio, who is sitting by my right side, pulls me into his arms.

   "I will kill that fucker!" Emiliano shouts while abruptly standing up. Father, who has a deadly expression on, holds his hand and that stops him in his tracks.

   "Not yet. We need our answers first. You can do whatever you want after".
   They all stand up to go to the man but my voice stops them in their tracks.
  "I'm coming with you. Don't even try to tell me to stop". I pack my hair up and follow them to the dungeon.

    The smell of rotten flesh and dried up blood greets me. I push aside my need to puke my guts out at the smell and walk further.
We finally arrive at a cell and in it is the man with his hands and legs chained up. It looked like he had not been beat and despite the uncomfortable position he was in, he was still sleeping with no care in the world. I step into the cell as quietly as I could and walk over to a corner of the room that had water in a bucket.

   I carry the bucket and pour the cold water on his head. He jerks awake trying to breath through the water. He calms down in the next few seconds. Good. Let's start.

    "I can see you enjoyed your nap. So let's play a game. I will ask you a question and if you don't answer with the right thing, you lose a finger. Cool?". He stares at me in horror.

   "H.. are you alive?" He stammers still looking at me. I let out a dry chuckle.

   "You really thought I died that day, didn't you? Well, surprise surprise! You talk too much!" I kick him in his abdomen earning a mouthful of blood from him. I smirk, happy that I was drawing blood.

  "Number one, who are you? Well, except for being a scientist who uses his skills to use little children for experiment". He takes in a deep breath.
    "My name is Luca. I used to work for the Americans as a research scientist".
I nod. I slap his face because my hands are itching to beat him up but I need answers first.
  "Fair enough. Why did you use me for that experiment?"
    "I did not intend to use it on any human. I was forced to". Confusion etches on my features. I use my hand to signal him to continue. Angelo and my father, come into the cell.

   "If you don't intend to loose your life today, you better open that mouth and say the truth". Father holds a pocket knife to his neck. Luca's hands start shaking visibly. He nods slowly.

   "I had created it while I was in America and I only told my colleagues about it. I wasn't sure it was functional yet so I tried it on a monkey and it yielded positive results. I was very proud of my creation. I was sure I would be able to get a promotion. I was to show the authorities in a meeting the next day. On my way to the meeting, I was kidnapped and drugged. By the time I woke up, I was in a warehouse tied up. I was blindfolded throughout my stay there. After what seemed like weeks, a man whose name I couldn't find out, came to me. He told me about all his plans regarding my creation and how he wanted to test it on a child. I advised him against it and told him it could kill you cause it wasn't ready for humans. My plea fell on deaf ears. He told me that if I didn't inject you with it, he would kill my children and wife. I know I was selfish to pick my family but I had to do it! I signed a NDA to make me keep my mouth shut. After two weeks, he brought you in. Your innocent frail frame almost made me forget about my family. Although he did not know, I gave him a less concentrated form of the liquid to reduce the impact on you though I didn't even know how much it would affect you. When I saw your eyes change after he injected you and your skin burning up, I thought you died. But I felt a very faint pulse. I lied to him that you died. I offered to carry you out but instead dropped you at the backyard of a well known doctor hoping you would have been saved. I didn't get the chance to check whether you were saved or not because he sent my family and I to Italy. I am so sorry ". A tear drops from his eyes. I badly want to blame him for what happened but I couldn't because I would have done the same thing. He also saved my life.

   "You saved my life... ". I walk to him and start removing the chains on him. His body was already frail from my kick and his lack of food. So I carry him on my back upstairs. I take him to the guest room and lay him on the bed. By the time I laid him there, he was already asleep or unconscious. I whisper "thank you" and walk out the room. I tell Rock to stay outside his room in case he needs anything.

    I go back downstairs to see my family.
   "So he saved my life back then. He is also a lead. Using his hints, we can catch the mastermind. I'm tired. I need to sleep now". I leave the room with their eyes trailing after me.

  I fall backwards on my bed and try to let all the information sink in. The darkness slowly envelopes me.

So the scientist is good! Do you guys think he was selfish or he did the right thing? At least, we will soon find out who is behind all these soon. Right? Maybe not.
   Anyways, thanks for supporting my book guys! Have a good day!! Don't forget to vote and comment 💗😊

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