Chapter 24

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Author's note :
  Hey guys! Happy holidays 💗 Remember to drop a 💗 if you enjoyed this chapter
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                  Adrianna's pov

  I'm pretty sure Angelo knows something is wrong but I'm thankful to whatever it was that stopped him from probing further.

   I drag myself to my room and head to the bath. I start running some warm water into the tub and play some RnB in the background.

   My eye catches my reflection in the full length mirror. My eyes trace my scars and land on my stomach.

It still feels so surreal that there is a child growing inside me. I'm scared but at the same time... I feel happy.
This child is mine. A part of me and I won't let anyone take it. I don't give a fuck if Dante doesn't want to take responsibility. I will take care of my child on my own.

  I just need to figure out a way to tell my family soon. I'm pretty sure they will be angry and disappointed in me but I sure can't hide it forever.

  Stepping into the tub, I go under the water totally and think about everything that has happened today.
Dante insulting me and my love. Denying the child. Calling me a freak like the rest of them.

I am tired.
I have tried.
Not only am I a product of an experiment that was somewhat successful, I also had to go and get pregnant.
More than anything, I'm scared of my child, my baby turning out like me.

   Regardless of this, I'm gonna love him/her. I start hearing my name from afar. Someone drags me up and holds me to their self.

  I gasp for air and try to calm down. I didn't mean to do that. I really didn't. I calm down at the familiar scent of Emiliano. Before I can say anything to defend myself, the rest of them start coming in.

  Emiliano covers me with a towel and gently carries me out of the bath and unto my bed. Unable to struggle and defend myself, I snuggle into my duvet instead.

  He pecks me on the forehead and they start leaving one by one.

I let the darkness take over and let go.

                        Lily's pov

   I really don't know what to do. I feel like going over to Dante's house and killing him. How could he betray her like that? After behaving like he loves her, he goes ahead and leaves her when she needs him the most.

  I take my phone and dial her number. She doesn't pick up the first two times and during the third time, she picks up.

Except it's not really her. It's Elio.

"Hey Lily. How are you? "

   "Hey. I'm good. Where is Adri? "

"Umm.. She's resting in her room at the moment ".

  "That doesn't explain why her phone is with you". He sighs from the other end of the phone.

  "Well, she actually left her phone downstairs and something just happened now so we made her sleep"
At this point, I'm getting really worried. Could it be that they found out about it? No no. I doubt it. They would be in a screaming fit instead. Something else must have happened.

  "what happened to her? "

"She wasn't answering any of us from the bathroom and the tap was running so Emiliano entered. Thankfully, she didn't lock the door. Anyways, we found her under the water not moving. I was scared, Lily. I thought I lost her again. Why would she do something like that? "

Damn. Did she try to commit suicide because of the pregnancy or what Dante said? She couldn't have right? She seemed better before she left my house. I need to see her.

"okay. I'm coming over. She will be fine". I hang up and pack some clothes cause I plan to spend at least two days there. I inform my adoptive parents and they agree.

  I enter my car and drive off. I hope she is fine.

                   Adrianna's pov
  I wake up with someone's head on my chest.
I don't know how she knew that I needed her right now but I'm glad she is here.

   She stirs and opens her doe-like eyes. Her eyes widen when she realizes that I'm staring at her. I smile at her and she bursts into laughter.

  She sits up and drags me up along with her.
"Get ready for our sleepover babe!!! " I laugh at her antics. I know she is trying to make me feel better.

  I go ahead and put on a short and t- shirt. I sit back on the bed and turn to face Lily.
"I'm going to tell them soon. They need to know the truth. I promise I wasn't trying to kill myself either. I just didn't realize what was going on".
She shifts closer and pulls me in for a hug.

  She releases me and cups my face in her hands.
"I know you can do it. I'm here. I will always be here. When ever you feel you are ready, I'm here with you. We love you a lot. Don't you ever forget that". She strokes my jet black hair and we start to make our way downstairs for dinner.

  I sit down in my usual spot with Lily and Elio at either side of me. I dish some mashed potatoes and pour myself some juice.

Dad starts asking what everyone has been up to meanwhile I'm stuck here trying to figure out a way to tell him that he is going to be a grandpa soon.

    Unfortunately for me, a smell hits my nose from the kitchen. My head jerks forward and I rush to the toilet.
Lily comes in a few seconds later and helps me wash up.
  "Time is not on your side anymore my love. You need to tell them today".
I nod in response because I know she is right. Dad will not let this go, I'm sure of it.
    We clean up the mess and head back into the dining room. Their worried glances greet me as I walk in.  One look at my father's face tells me that if I don't tell them the truth soon, they will find out. I might as well spill it out now.

   "Hey guys. I need to tell you guys something". Lily holds my hand. Inhaling deeply, I say the next few words that will determine my fate in this house.

  Taking one last look at their faces, I close my eyes.
   "I am pregnant ".

Author's note
Well...  That was a lot. Thank God she finally told them. I do hope they don't do something they regret though 😭
Thanks for the constant increase in my reads😩
I love y'all
Good night💗


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