Chapter 14

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Third person pov:

  Everything began to piece together. Instead of exploding like they thought she would, she simply nodded her head in thought.

"Hmm.. But I have a few questions though". They all looked at her shocked.

  "You are not running away screaming for your life? Did you know about this before?"
  "No. But it makes sense. But do you guys traffick girls and drugs?"

  "No. We just produce weapons, own clubs and hotels. We don't directly involve in most illegal businesses. And although we are on mutual ground with most gangs, we still have enemies. I think it was one of those enemies that planned everything that happened years ago".

  "Hmm.. But why are you telling me this now? I mean.. I'm not complaining or anything but I'm sure you would have kept it to yourselves for a little while longer. So there's a motive behind it".

  "I knew she was smart! "

  "Shut up, Elio. You guessed right though. A mutual ground ball is holding in this house next week. In other words, we are hosting it. We don't want you walking into that ball unprepared".

  "Ok, I get it now. The only thing that bothers me is how much of my presence is required at the party". For the first time since they told her, nervousness flashed through her eyes.

    Angelo placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "Well, we want to officially announce your presence at the party. We can't keep you hidden for long. There will be security around you at all times, so no need to worry".

  "So there wasn't any security when I was kidnapped?". Adrianna snapped at him. It dawned on her that it was definitely one of their enemies that did all these to her and although she is not that weak little girl that was taken years ago, she still hadn't gotten over the trauma. She is scared that history might once again repeat itself.

  "Okay. I need you to calm down. Listen to me dear. Another advantage of the ball is the fact that if the person who orchestrated everything attends the party, it might trigger a memory or better still, you may recognize the person. I know this is a lot to ask but unfortunately, it has to be done".

  "I will only co-operate with you on this because I want that f***** dead but I want to have some fun first".

  A sad smile crossed Alessandro's face at her statement
Circumstances have made his little princess wish to kill when she should be whining about the colour of the dress she would wear. He hoped that after all of this was over, she would enjoy what's left of her teenage years.

   "There is one more thing I need you to do for me though". Armando faced his sister.

  "What is that?"

   "Well, your best friend, Lily, will be arriving sometime this week. All you need to do is to make sure that she doesn't find out the truth about us. Good?"

   "Good. That us not a problem. But if she sees any guns around the house, that's on you. Good?". She flashed him a goofy smile and he ruffled her hair and left the room.

    Elio grumbled under his breath. Had any of the boys said something like that, they would have received a scowl or probably something worse but she got a pat on the head!

   "Before I forget, Armando said  I should give this to you. All our numbers are saved on it including, Rock's, Lily's and few emergency numbers". Angelo handed an IPhone 13 to her.

   "Thanks but Samsung would have been better". She muttered the last part under her breathe not wanting to seem ungrateful.

  "See! Even Aria knows that Samsung us way better than the stupid iPhone". Emiliano exclaimed happily. A debate regarding iPhone and Samsung began.

   Alessandro excused himself and went to his room. Majority of the wall space in his room is covered with pictures of a vibrant looking Latino woman. Looking at her features, it was clear whose looks their daughter had taken. If they stood side by side, they could even be mistaken for twins.

   Alessandro stood in front of the picture that is beside his mirror.
"Hey baby. I really wish you were here. The kids are finally getting comfortable around each other. Elio still very much dotes on her. Angelo used to be around her all the time when they were little but now it breaks my heart to see him withdrawing from her everytime. He is definitely making progress though. I have tried so hard to make him see that he had no fault in what had happened to you and our baby girl but he just won't listen to me. I hope Adrianna can change that soon though. Do you know that Adrianna does that thing I do when I get stressed? I guess she took something else apart from my eyes. You must be so jealous right now. Her forehead crumples together and she starts tapping her fingers against any hard surface. I noticed it today. Our baby girl has gone through so much. I miss you so much. Oh did you see what happened on her first day? She got into a fight just like you did on your first day at college. I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, right?" Alessandro laughs a little and continues talking to her picture with a nostalgic look on his face.

  A tall buff man in a blue suit walks into the office and bows his head slightly. The man seated, reading through some documents, nods his head for the man to speak.

  "I have some news from our sources. There have been some suspicious activities in the Romero mansion for a week now. No one has been able to get close enough to find out what it is. I believe they are hiding something"

  The man seated raised his head to look at the man who spoke. The temperature in the room reduced.

  "mmm... They can't hide anything for long. The ball is next week. Tell the men to stand down for now. But if any new updates come in, report to me. Prepare for the ball. Let's finish what we started".

Author's note:

Hey darlinggssss! The truth is out, Lily is coming, the ball is next week. Who do you think is the unknown person? I'm curious 😩

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Byeee 💮

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