Chapter 17

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   The days of the week rolled by and soon enough, the eve of the ball arrived. I have been on edge the whole week. I can't even bring myself to tell anybody about it.

   Sleeping has also become very hard. I have nightmares every night and there is barely anything I can do about it. Thankfully, I was able to get my hands on some sleeping pills yesterday so I was at least able to get some hours of sleep.

   I still look like I have been run over by a truck. I have huge eye bags and it's kind of safe to say that I look like a ghost. They have all been trying to get through to me but I just wave it off everytime. I am thinking of telling them after the ball though. It feels like I'm carrying a huge baggage on my chest and I might explode soon.

    Strangely, it feels like my energy levels are rising everyday. I have more strength than before. It's also really hard to do simple daily activities without breaking something. I just always feel like crushing things. My purple eye is also getting brighter. Way brighter than it was. I'm pretty sure I am not the only person that has noticed this.

   I wash up and make my way downstairs. They are all up and about doing one thing or the other. Father and Armando are on phone calls. Elio and Emiliano are busy ordering the guards around. The house was being prepared for the ball. Lily is eating as usual. Angelo is texting away on the phone but immediately he notices my presence, he looks me dead in the eyes.

   It feels like he is searching my soul and somehow, I feel like he knows something I don't. He looks worried and his eyes trace my face. He sighs and looks away frustrated.

   Lily stands up with a plate with some food and walks towards me with a worried glance. She stretches the plate towards me.
"Eat up. You look like chucky". She squishes up her nose in fake disgust.

  "Oh please, I look way hotter". I take the plate of food from her and eat it. Lack of sleep cannot stop me from eating. Food never did nothing to nobody!

   I drink some water and sigh in satisfaction. As I am about to drop my plate, a surge of energy takes over my hand and I break the plate into pieces.
Some shards enter my hand but I barely register the pain. Lily screams and everyone crowds me. She sits me down and rushes to get the first aid box. Angelo takes the box from her and opens it.

   While he is preparing the bandage and all, I ignore them and remove the shards from my hands. As I place each shard I removed from my hand on the floor, they stares at me in shock.
  "Let Angelo remove it for you. It will hurt less". Dad looks at me with a very worried expression.

  "Don't worry. I can't feel it and it will close up soon anyways". Immediately I take the last shard out, the wounds start to close up. I stand up without waiting for Angelo and make my way to the bathroom on the floor we are on. 

   I wash off the blood and go back to the living room. They are all standing there looking at me like I have grown 10 heads. I put on a fake smile and I'm pretty sure they can see through it.

  Elio comes over and puts his hand on my forehead.
  "You are warm. Angelo can you check her? ". Oh no, here we go.

   "I'm fine, Elio. It's not a big deal ". I give him a smile to try and convince him.

  "Bullshit". Emiliano mutters.

"Language. Aria, let Angelo check you first and if he doesn't see anything bad, you can go". Armando comes forward and takes my hand in his. I become slightly calm.

  Angelo sits beside me and put something in my mouth. I have never used it before so I don't know the name. I never fall sick anyways. This is probably nothing. He removes it after a while.

  He looks at it and looks at me with wide eyes.
"Her temperature is off the roof. She needs to be taken to the hospital soon. I don't know how she could have held on this long". The fuck? Since when did lack of sleep cause fevers?

"Shit! I knew something was up. Angelo, call up Katrina. I want her here now with her team. Nothing must happen to my baby". Okay, things are starting to get out of hand. I don't even feel sick.

"But I don't even feel sick! I don't need a doctor. I will just sleep it off ". Emiliano lets out a humorless chuckle.

   "Have you looked in the mirror!? You look horrible. Sleep? When last did you sleep? Huh? We are not blind you know? We decided to keep quiet does not mean we don't care or see what's going on". I stare at him with my mouth open.

  "I.. I.. I'm fine ". He gives me a hard glare.

  "Fine my foot. Get your ass upstairs. The doctor will be here soon. Until you get better, I don't want to see you down here" . I am about to give in when a sudden surge of rage explodes in me.

  "Who do you think you are to speak to me like that huh? Nobody talks to me like that! ". I press my face towards his in anger. I try to contain the urge to punch him into the ground.

  Someone touches my shoulder and without thinking, I roughly throw the person over my shoulder. I hear a loud scream immediately after.

"The fuck!". A heel hits my ribs and I turn around to look at Lily. At this point, I wish I can stop. I just want to stop. But instead I move towards her and wrap my hands around her throat.

  Everyone starts shouting but I can barely make out a word they are saying. The fear in her eyes are as clear as day. I was enjoying the feeling of her screams. I feel like a monster. I just want to stop. Someone help me!

  Something pierces me on my neck and soon enough, everywhere turns dark.

Author's note:

Oof!  So much drama. I hope she gets better soon though. What could be happening to her. And who do you think made her nightmares come back.

   I feel really bad for Lily though. I hope they still remain besties😩

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter 💗 don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

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