Chapter 15

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Author's note:

I started writing this chapter by 3:25am this morning and finished by 5:08am😭 (I can't sleep bruh)
Give me my flowers people!
In this case, votes😌
Hope you enjoy!

Adrianna's pov:

   The rest of the week in school flew by pretty quickly. There was really no difference in the way I was treated in my former school and this one. Only in this one, I actually have brothers and thankfully, Lily would be arriving soon.

    I have been sitting with Elio and Emiliano ever since that incident. Kat and her friends have been avoiding me though. Sometimes it seems as though Kat wants to talk to me but she always stops herself.

   Fortunately for me, I have always enjoyed being alone so I wasn't phased. I am currently in P. E classes running laps. My very "athletic " classmates are panting as if they will faint soon.

   I, on the other hand, was already on my fifth lap without so much as a sweat forming on my forehead. One of the perks of being experimented on.

   What? I might as well see the silver lining in this whole thing. Even the teacher kept on looking at me with slight admiration in his eyes.

   I finished my last lap and went to take a seat. As soon as I sit down, I am pushed from behind. I regain my stamina ready to knock the person out.

    I turn towards the direction of the person to see the only person who can get away with something like that. My best friend is standing there looking at her nail polish. Shocked, I stand there before jumping on her. We both fall to the ground.

   I think the teacher thought we were about to fight so he whistled. Dumb man.

  "Lily!!! ". I scream with a huge smile on my face. She looks unimpressed at our position but I could care less really.

  "Girl! If you don't get the fuck up from me this instant, I'm taking the next flight outta here. Oh my gosh! I think you ruined my nails! ".
   Typical Lily. I laugh and stand up. I use her hand to help her up. While she looks like she could cry at any moment at the site of her nails, I hug her.

    We both relax into the hug and don't let go for a couple of minutes. Gosh, I have really missed her.

    The teacher tells them to get back to running. At least now the unwanted attention is off us. We sit down on the bleachers.

  "Why didn't you tell me you were coming today? ". I glare at her. She flips me the bird and tsks. What a rude human!

  "It was a surprise dummy". She hits my head. I open my mouth gaping like a fish. The heck? Who gives surprises like this?

  I put her in headlock as revenge. She eventually gets out of my grasp and gives me a murderous glare. My cue to run.

   I run away from the gym and into the school halls while the stares of the other students. I start to hear the sound of Lily's heels behind me. I do the mistake of looking back a little bit.

  "Get back here bitch! You are in so much trouble! ". While wondering how she even runs so well in those devilish shoes, I bump in a wall.

  I almost fall but the wall saves me. Okay now, I'm just delulu. It wasn't a walk but human. Precisely a fine ass man. In my moment of checking him out, I think Lily caught up with me because next thing I know, someone smacked my head.

   Mind you, I am sideways with a guy holding my waist. I swear he looks amused.

  "What is going on here? ". Our heads snap towards the direction of the voice. Elio and Emiliano stood there not looking the slightest bit happy.

   To my surprise, the pretty potato glares at them and they very well reciprocate the gesture. Good riddance.

  I slip out of his arms and shift towards Lily. I don't think they even noticed me move. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.

   "What is going on? ". Lily whispers into my ear. I shrug my shoulders in an 'I don't know ' manner. This is my first time seeing him.

   I don't think they are friends. At all.

No kidding fool

No need for the insult smarty pants. I'm talking to myself again. I internally facepalm. Finally the hottie spoke.


Oh. So hottie's name is Dante. I take another look at his chocolate glowing skin. His features, sexy and precise. He is definitely more than a 6'2. His long eyelashes are so beautiful. So beautiful I am jealous. His muscular build is calling for me, I swear. I really need to get it together.

   It doesn't need to be said that this is a battle of egos. Tch!

"School is over. Let's leave". I silently nod still checking Dante out. My eyes landed on his face again and this time our eyes meet. A smirk makes its way to his face.

  "Take a picture, it will last longer". That's true. I take out my phone and take a quick picture of him. Damn! That side profile is hot! I look up to see Lily struggling to control her laughter. My brothers look pissed and Dante has a smile on his face.

   Did I mention that I am a die-hard romantic? Elio kind of drags me out if the school doors after that. Before I get far, Dante winks at me.

   We get into the car and you can practically feel the anger hotter than the engine of the car.

  "What the heck was that?!".
What happened? Oh, Dante. I didn't do anything wrong. I just simply like appreciating God's work.

"I was admiring his beauty. Lily, did you see those eyelashes girl?!" I face Lily.

  "Right? I'm so jealous. Let me look at that picture ". Lily looks into my phone.

   We paid no mind to their behaviors. Soon enough we got home.
"Shut up!! Your house is so beautiful". She looks so happy and excited. We hold hands and skip into the house.
She raises her brow at the amount of guards outside. I give a look that says 'I will explain later'. She nods.

  I lead her into the living room. Angelo is sitting there with his laptop probably doing some work. Lily pulls at my sleeve.

"Are all your brothers this hot?". I throw her a disgusted look. But I do admit, they are all handsome. I pay no heed to her and go to greet him. He kisses me on the forehead and makes small talk with Lily.

  The twins come in with Emiliano looking like he could have a stroke out of anger at any moment.

  "What happened to you?". Angelo asked him.

"Why don't you ask her? She was behaving like a thirsty bitch today".

The fuck!

My head snaps towards his direction and although the realization of what he said has dawned on him, in order to prevent myself from hitting him, I run to my room.

  I don't know what I was expecting from them. I thought I could be a normal teenage girl for once. But the one time I find a guy attractive, I am called a thirsty bitch.

   I blink my tears back as my face hardens. I faintly hear a Lily shouting at him. I think she might have even thrown of her heels at him.

  She is honestly the closest I can get to being a normal teenager. Tired of everything, I lay in bed. As I am about to switch off my phone, a message notification comes in.

Anonymous : You know it's rude to take pictures of strangers.

No one needs to tell me who this is. A small smile comes to my face.
   He called me a thirsty bitch, he will get one.

Author's note:

Lily has arrived! 🙊 and I love her😩
Dante, Dante, Dante😌
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