Chapter 7

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Third person's pov

     Armando knew what he said might have shocked them but it can't be denied that the probability that the truth in it is high.

   "There is a very high chance that my theory is correct. I believe her body must have been altered when she was taken". Something told her deep down that the truth was starting to stare her in the face.

   Angelo walks in but with one look at the tense environment and the faces of everyone, he takes a seat. Armando immediately faces him.

  "Angelo, I think it's high time you put your scientific skills to good use. There is only one way to get to the root of these and that is through running some tests. Angelo, I expect you to run the necessary tests on Adrianna first thing tomorrow morning. I want to know what is in her system and what we can do about it. But all in all, if she is not comfortable with those tests, give her some space. She is not a lab rat. And don't even think of trying any kind of experiment on her. Father, I think we should talk about all of these later in private. You can all go shopping a little later. I think she should go and get some rest". Armando looks at Adrianna with a gentle reassuring look and walks away.

   Alessandro puts his hand on her shoulder and asks her, "Do you want to go do the tests or not? It's not compulsory. This is all in your hands. You can take your time to make your decision".

   Adrianna looks like she is debating within herself and after some minutes, a determined expression is on her face.
"I will do it tomorrow. I want to know. I want to know everything ". Letting out a deep sigh, she stands up and walks away still trying to wrap her mind around all that was said.

   The little family meeting is somewhat adjorned and everyone goes in different directions. Although Angelo was not there at the beginning of the meeting, he had a faint idea of what was being discussed. Elio briefly tells him what happened earlier and leaves dragging Emiliano along with him. He was slightly relieved he wasn't around when his father spoke about the past. It is a very touchy and painful topic for him. The guilt that has been eating him for the past 13 years made him distance himself from his family. He blames himself for his mother's death as she died trying to protect him and he couldn't do anything to save her.

   Although the practical side of him told him that he was only a kid when it happened, he still couldn't get the guilt out of his head. If he can at least get the people who murdered his mother and took his sister, he would at least be able to sleep at night. His nightmares had come back after he saw his sister again after all those years. Even though he does not want to stay around her, he decides to go the tests, not because he does not really have a choice in the matter but also because it could help them get to the root of who those people really were.

    He leaves the living room and goes to the far end of the mansion where his lab is. Without wasting anymore time, he prepares all he needs for the next day. Realizing he does not have the machine to carry out one of the tests, he rushes out of the house to buy it.

   Alessandro pours himself a cup of wine and downs it in one go. Explaining all that happened in the past brought back both good and bad memories. He still can't forgive himself for leaving his wife and kids at home.

   Armando enters the office and seeing the expression on his father's face breaks his heart. His father, who is the most dangerous man in Italy, barely shows his emotions. He is always put together. Even in very dangerous and tense situations but visting the past, had completely destabilized him. The last time he was like this was when he saw the dead body of his wife. Armando walks up to him and puts his hand on his shoulder as a sign of comfort and reassurance.

    Under normal circumstances, he should have hugged him but after what happened 13 years ago, their family lost some sense of normalcy. Alessandro puts his hand over his. Armando is shocked but doesn't pull away. This is the first time in a long while that his dad reciprocated a loving gesture. Maybe Adrianna's return is bringing the family closer after all.

"I will find those people" Within a split second, Alessandro's expression turned cold. Armando nodded in response to his statement.

   Emiliano was busy getting scolded by his twin for the mistake he made. But all he could think about was how he felt helpless under his sister who by the way he has more pounds of flesh than. He felt a strange mix of embarrassment and pride. He just wished she would have not hit his face. He has a swollen lip, a black eye and almost broken nose. At that point he decided to call their family doctor over. He tuned Elio's voice out and started to think about how her eyes looked really wild while she was hitting him. He wondered what could have really happened to her to make her like that.

    Although she is not like this by choice, there's no denying that it would help her in the future. Their lifestyle is not for the weak and knowing that his sister is probably stronger than even his father, put his mind at rest.

   But remember what can help you can also destroy you. Or not?

Author's note:
Sorry for the short chapter 😩 I'm just really feeling lazy. I'll try to upload the next chapter either tonight or tomorrow. Remember to vote and comment 💗
👋 bye 💮

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