Chapter 21

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Author's note:
You guys make me feel like y'all are ghosts sometimes 😭
Say hi in this comment section!!!!

Adrianna's pov

   Okay. So my luck for the past week has been quite horrible. I remembered that we didn't use a condom and I tried to get a postinor tablet.

   Guess what? All my attempts to go out and buy one have been utterly futile. My brothers are watching me like a hawk. It's school, home, school, home. I haven't gone to any other places this week.

   And I may or may not have been sneaking around with Dante in school. I haven't told him about what I remembered. It's not bad right? Who am I kidding? I should have told him.

   It may have also slipped my mind to tell Lily about that part. And soon enough, I forgot too. Well.... Until two months after.

     The past few months have been quite eventful for me. Dante is my boyfriend now, Dad managed to get Lily adopted by one of the families under us, she stays over a lot which I really love.

   Dante has been really wonderful although we kinda have to sneak around my brothers. They have this tension between them that he has refused to tell me about.

   We haven't spent a night together after that day though. I am currently picking out an outfit for school.

  I dress up and rush out to the garage because my very caring brothers were just about to leave without me.

   They chuckle and open the back door to let me in. Normally I would have smacked their head or yelled but I feel really tired today and my eye was also looking dull this morning. I can ask Angelo for a tablet when I get home anyways.

   At my lack of response, they raise a brow at me.
" Adri are you fine? You look a little tired. Did you get enough sleep last night? ". I nod my head.

  "It's not a big deal. I slept pretty okay. I just feel tired. I'll rest when I get home. Today's Friday anyways".

  They look at me skeptically but let it go. We get to school soon enough and I see Lily waiting for us near the front door.

   She spots us and rushes over. She hooks her arm in mine and looks at my face for a good minute.
She talks to my brothers for a few minutes and we all walk in.

   "What's going on? ". She takes me to the toilet. I stand in front of the mirror and notice that my eye is still looking as dull as before.

One part of me begins to panic but I don't show it. I splash water on my face and face her.
" I just feel a little tired. I'll be f-". I quickly turn back to the sink and puke my guts out. I pour some water into my mouth and splash water on my face once again.

   The look on Lily's face tells me all I need to know.
"Adrianna tell me the truth this minute. Are you-"

"No! I don't know. I don't think so. I can't be right?" I look up at her feeling so many emotions at once. This can't be happening to me. I run my hands through my hair frustrated.

Lily pulls me in to a hug and strokes my hair to calm me down.
"You will be fine. Even if you are, you have everyone by your side. After school, we can do a test at your house. For now, I need you to calm down unless you want to make everyone suspicious."
  She cleans my tears and brushes my hair for me.
"I am scared Lily". She hugs me again.
" I am too but we'll get through this together ".
   Never have I wanted to run out of school this much. The minute the last bell rings I rush to the car park.

  It's safe to say that I avoided Dante today. I feel like if I see him, I may break down in front of him and that's the last thing I want to do right now.

I flinch a little at the feel of someone's hand on my shoulder. I turn back and calm down once I see Elio.
"You aren't looking any better. See Angelo once you get home ".

  "I will but can you drop me off at Lily's house first? I'll call you to pick me up later". I give him my puppy dog eyes hoping he would fall for it.

He nods in agreement and gives me a kiss on my temple. He drops me off at Lily's and I go in.

Her new parents, Mr and Mrs Edwards, are in the living room looking at some papers. They are our lawyers actually.
  "Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Edwards ". I smile at them. Mrs Edwards opens her arms and rushes towards me pulling me into a warm hug.

  "I have told you to stop calling me that. You can call me Sofia. Have you eaten? Lily will get here soon. Come and have some potatoes ". I nod feeling hungry as my anxiety didn't let me stomach anything all day.

  They started telling me stories of some cases that they had done before. It was quite funny and it made me forget about my upcoming problems for a while.

  The door opens and Lily walks in.
"Are y'all really eating without me??? Such betrayal! ". They chuckle at her antics.

  "Oh please. Yours is right here. Such a dramatic child". Sofia laughs at her and gives her a plate of potatoes.
She immediately finishes it before we can understand what is going on.

  "Let's go upstairs". I understand what she means and I thank her parents for the meal.

    Immediately we enter her room, she locks the door behind her and brings out three pregnancy test kit from her bag.
" I was able to get these at the pharmacy. I got three just to make sure".

   Despite the anxiety I'm feeling, I nod.
"Let's get this over and done with then". I go into the toilet and pee on all three of the tests.

  We have to wait for five minutes so I leave them there and go back into the room.

  We both lay on her bed. She hold my hand and looks at me.
"If this turns out positive, I promise to be by your side. Your maybe baby will have the most loving family and of course, aunty in the whole world. Everyone may be pissed at first, but they will eventually forget about it and dote on your baby so much, you will be jealous. And about Dante, if he doesn't own up to his responsibility, he will definitely get crippled. You will no doubt be a wonderful mother. You also have Sofia to help you with everything too".

   Tears stream out of my eyes at her words.
" All you have said is true but what if i fail as a mother? What if Dante doesn't want to be in my child's life? I don't want my child growing up in a dangerous environment either. I'm so scared for it Lily". She hugs me and the timer we set goes off.

  "Let's check it. Who knows it may just have been a scare". I really wanted to think that way but I knew it wasn't going to be that way.

  We turn the tests over at the same time. The pink lines on the tests make me want to dig a hole and live in it for the rest of my freaking life.

"oh shit"

Author's note:
Happy Sunday guys! Sorry for the late update. I just started school and coupled with my scrunchie business, things have been quite hectic. I'll try to update sooner next time though 😂

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