Chapter 2

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"She's really weird"

"Are you seeing her eyes?"


I put on my headphones to block out the noise and walk head held high into the school. Almost immediately, the path I was about to walk on was cleared. Pfft! As if I care. I put my hoodie up and walk to my locker.

Just as I am about to shut it, my favourite blue-eyed specie puts her hand inside. I turn around to see my best friend, Lily, who is the opposite of her name. Well, the word to describe Lily is persistent. Let's just say that if she was not consistently annoying, we would have never been best friends today.

As soon as I shut my locker, she hooks her arm through mine. She shows me a mischievous smile that only means choas and I reciprocate with one of mine.

I see her staring at the fake Barbie sorry, Jennifer. Well.. I have kind of been aching to transfer aggression to someone. Don't get me wrong, I am not going to hit her. At least, not yet.

The bell rings for first period and surprisingly, Lily is one of the first people rushing to class. Huh? Something is fishy.

I also forgot to add the part where she drags me along with her. Not fun.

When we get in, only a few students are seated but they look at me with fear in their eyes. Their loss. I am a very lovely-ish human.

Lily seats on Jennifer's designated seat and nods for me to sit beside her. Not knowing what she is up to, I keep quiet. Five minutes later, Jennifer walks in, more like struts in with her minions.

She glares at Lily who is on her seat and walks towards us.

"What are you doing on my seat? "
She shrieks in her high pitched voice. I had to stop myself from covering my ears.

"I.. am s-sorr-y" Lily replies in a timid voice. If not for the fact that I have known her for too long, I would have also fallen for her act.

I looked at Jennifer to see an expression of shock flash through her face before a smirk made its way on her fake face.

Foolish Barbie. No offence to the real barbie of course. She's really great, I think. I haven't really-

We are going off topic girl!

Lily stood up after trying to get her bag from underneath the chair. I still have no idea what is going on. Jennifer looks really bored and hence, chatting with her minions.

The English teacher walked in and Lily immediately stood up. I followed suit. We sat down at the back.

"What did you do? " I asked her. Man! Was I curious.
"Just watch and see" Oh well, let's see then.

After five minutes, someone farted. Lily coughed immediately and subtly nodded towards Jennifer. Jennifer's minions were trying their hardest to keep their laughter in. She kept glaring and whispering to them.

Another fart came out and this time nobody could contain their laughter. I knew Lily was definitely responsible for this. I guess sitting on her seat was how she pulled it off.
After enduring minutes of Jennifer's 'farting' the teacher sent her to the school nurse. This might be the best school day yet.

After some time, I was called to the Principal's office. Ughhhh!

Please tell me I'm not in trouble for what Lily did.

I glared at Lily at the thought of it. I arrived at the Principal's office after concluding the different lies I was going to tell in the next few minutes.

I knocked on his door and heard "come in". I walked in to see three other people apart from the Principal in the office.

One of them is my teacher, the other two, I don't know.

"um... Am I in trouble or something?" I asked raising a brow at him.

My class teacher put his hand on my shoulder and I immediately flinched. It's not his fault but what can I do?

He put his hand by his side and started to speak.
"Adrianna, your parents have been arrested for human trafficking so you will have to go with social services for now".

Am I sad? Hell no.
Happy? Kind of.
Do I feel guilty about it? Yes. What child is happy to hear that her parents have been arrested? Well me, I guess. The next thing the woman said shattered everything.

"Considering they are your adoptive parents, we scanned through the database to check if you have any relatives. You have a family in Italy. Your father is arriving in the afternoon to pick you up"

"What? Adoptive? They are not my biological parents? "

Is that why they treated me that way for years? I always blamed myself for being a freak and maybe that's why they didn't love me. I have been wrong this whole time. And I have a family? A dad? In Italy? So how did I end up here? Did he send me away? Did he not want a freak like me around him? I must get my answers.

"You were not aware? I'm sorry about that dear. Could you get your bag? We are dropping by your house to get your stuff."

I nodded back in response and stood up still trying to wrap my head around what is going on.

I entered the class and took my bag. Also using my eyes to tell Lily to meet me outside. She follows me outside with a concerned look.

"Hey babe, what happened?" I just stared at her with a sad face which I barely use. I really feel like balling my eyes out. She is the only real family I have and I am about to leave her. I am really going to miss her. I hug her tight afraid to let go. She relaxes into the hug and hugs me back. She knows how much I hate physical touch but the fact that I went ahead to hug her, immediately showed her how bad I felt.

"I am moving to Italy. They said I have family there and they are coming to pick me up tomorrow. Apparently, those people were not my parents. I am sorry that I have to leave" A sob escaped from my lips at the end. She held my hand.

"I am not angry at you and I am really sorry this happened to you. Although I am really sad that I will be all alone without you over here, I can always visit you anytime I want. My parents are not stinking rich for nothing" she said with a laugh at the end.

"I love you bestie" I hugged her.
"I love you too fool"

We parted ways and I entered the social worker's car. We stopped at the front of the house I once called my house. Not desiring to stay here any longer, I entered and quickly packed the things I owned, which only fit into a back-pack and left the house.

"Is that really all? " She asked with a look of confusion.
Well... I am a 16 year old who barely has any clothes. The only things I have are necessities.

"Yes" I replied not sparing her a glance. I entered the car again wanting to avoid the unnecessary conversation that was in the air.

We arrived at her office with only one question in my mind.

"Who is my father? "

Author's note :

Hey darlings!
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