Chapter 22

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Adrianna's pov

   Honestly, I don't know how long I have been sitting in this room. Lily had dropped me off some time ago. Probably hours ago, I think.

   But I know it's definitely night time because Emiliano had come to call me downstairs for dinner. I just told him that I was already full from eating at Lily's place. In actual fact, I am too scared to face them and the sight of food is kinda nauseating.

    Unfortunately, I can't hide for long. I have school tomorrow. I can't call in sick because they will find out and I sure as hell aren't ready to tell them anything.

  I place my hand on my stomach and for the first time in a while, I smile. A real smile. This is my baby. My baby.

   My mind drifts to Dante and he numerous missed calls. I haven't spoken to him today and I already miss him so much. Call me a coward but I don't have the courage to tell him that he is about to have a baby very soon.

  Most especially, I'm scared that he might deny my child of having a father. A ping from my phone distracts my thoughts. It's Lily telling me to eat because it's not just me anymore.

   My hand instinctively goes to my stomach again and I decide to go get some snacks to eat. I gently open my door and sneak downstairs into the kitchen.

  I am about to take the last packet of chips when someone clears their throat behind me. Wonderful just wonderful!

   Of all people to have caught me, it had to be my father. He comes closer to me and gives me a peck on my forehead.

"Hey tesoro. I thought you were filled". He looks at me with a worried smile.

"I just wanted to eat some chips. I was feeling a little bit hungry". He chuckles and shakes his head.

   "Should I prepare something for you? Okay, let me prepare some ginger tea. I know you love it". He starts making the tea whilst telling some stories about mother in the process. From what he's telling me, I was a lot like her.

   For the first time since I found out about her, I wished she was right here with me. I would have gone to meet her immediately. I try to imagine how she would have reacted.

   The clock strikes 12 and my dad brings 2 cups of tea over. The smell of ginger hits my nose and the worst possible things happens, I throw up!

   I run to the nearest toilet and empty whatever was left in my system before. Wonderful!

Now I have to explain myself or take a test. Father won't let this go. I'm sure of it.

   A knock startles me.
"Are you fine in there? I kinda need to wash my hands. You got some vomit on them". He lets out a worried chuckle.

  I quickly open the door and sure enough, there's vomit on his hands. I help him wash it off and rush off immediately not waiting for him to speak.

   Surprisingly, but thankfully, he doesn't say anything. I lock my door,pop two sleeping pills in my mouth and try to sleep.

  "Wake up sleepy head! We leave in 30 minutes ". Elio calls out from the other side of my door.

  I quickly take my bath and wear a sweatshirt and joggers. I put my hair up in a bun. I hear the engine revving and rush down stairs. I grab an apple on my way out.

  For some reason, I feel both energetic and tired this morning. I'm still worried about why father still didn't say anything this morning. Even if he wanted to address it, he wouldn't have been able to because I rushed out of the house. I munch on the apple while my brother is driving.

   We arrive at school and I search for Lily. I send her text and few minutes later, she tells me she will meet me by my locker.

  I go and drop my books in my locker while waiting for her. In the meantime, I send Dante a text.

   A ping comes from my phone merely seconds later. Sure why, it is Dante. He agreed to meet up after school. Lily pops up beside me.

  "I am going to tell Dante after school". She doesn't say anything but pulls me in a for a tight hug.

  We go to class and for the rest of the day, I am left feeling anxious and nauseous. The last bell for the day goes off and I walk to where Dante's car is.

  Barely two minutes later, I see him walking towards me. It feels like I haven't seen him in years when it has barely been two days. He smiles widely at me and before I can comprehend what's happening, my head is resting on his chest.

"I have missed you so much". He said in a raspy voice. At this point, every bone in my body is pushing against telling him the truth but I have to do it. I pull away from him.

  "Dante, I need to tell you something". A worried expression takes over his face and he nods signifying me to go on.

  "The first time we had sex, we never used condom. And.. And.. I.. I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant". I swallow the huge lump in my throat relieved that I finally told him.

  I look up at him and all I can see is a stone cold face that could honestly care less about me. He looked so different from the man I have grown to love. Fear seeps into my heart immediately.

  Before I can utter another word, he is walking away. My heart drops to my stomach.

"Dante! Dante! You can't do this to me! " I run to his front stopping him from walking further.

  "What are you doing? Where are you going!? We are about to have a kid together and you are walking away?! You motherfucker" I was yelling at the top of my voice by now, not concerned by the crowd I had drawn.

  He walks closer to me. He crosses his arms over his chest.

  "Have you even seen yourself? Me and you? You are a monster! Only God knows what kind of lab rat you were! I can't imagine having a child with you. You can either get rid of it or take care of it on your own. I won't accept this child. Stay the fuck away from me slut". He walks away.

  For the first time in years, I breakdown in the car park with probably twenty people looking at me.
Lily runs to me and lifts me up. She takes me to her car and starts driving.

   His words keep replaying in my head. My eye catches my reflection in the side mirror. My purple eye is brighter than it has ever been. Looking closer at it, I notice something I have never seen before.

There are orange specks around my eye

Author's note :

  Dun dun dun!! Hey guyss! It's your favorite lazy writer here again. Did you enjoy this chapter? Thanks for sticking with me BTW💖

Dante is such an add😭I hate himmmmmmm
What do u think we should do to Dante?

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