Chapter 27

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  Adrianna's pov

      I stare at myself in the mirror taking in how beautiful I look in the long purple dress that Lily and gotten for me some days before.

The dress👇

    I have barely left the house

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    I have barely left the house. I'm either in my room, the dining room or the house clinic. Lily has tried to talk to me several times but anytime she comes near me, I remember the incident again and I move away from her.
      Today is the day of the ball but instead of being happy, I'm so nervous and unwilling to leave the room. I have my dress on but my hair is a mess and I don't know how to use makeup.
   I miss Lily.

      I sit down in front of the mirror determined to at least try to put on some lipgloss.
    As I pick up the very expensive looking lip gloss, a voice comes from the door.
  "Don't tell me you are about to do what I think you want to do. You are definitely going to cause a disaster on your face". There stood Lily with an amused smile on her face.
     My mouth opens slightly and tears prick my eyes at the sight of her.
    "What are you doing here? ". She walks up to me with her silver dress hugging her curves. She looks like a princess.

The dress👇

   "I couldn't let you destroy my reputation, now could I?  They will say 'her friend couldn't even put on makeup for her

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   "I couldn't let you destroy my reputation, now could I?  They will say 'her friend couldn't even put on makeup for her. She looks like a clown'.  I don't want that stain on my reputation, thank you very much". She opens the makeup bag and starts working her magic before I can reply.

   "You know you don't have to help me right? Not after what I put you through".
     She doesn't reply but continues my makeup. After a while, she turns me back to the mirror.
    "All done! I am not angry about anything. You couldn't control it and that's not your fault. You are already going through a lot, don't add guilt to that list. Forget about it and focus on the ball". She places her hands on my shoulders and kisses my temple.

     "I love you a lot, Lily and I am sorry for what I put you through. I missed you so much". She hands me a tissue to wipe the tears that are pricking my eyes.
   "Enough of this mushy stuff! How is the little one? My precious godchild. Do you know when you will find out the gender? ".
   Her eyes lit up while talking about my baby. I'm so glad to see her happy again. I nod my head.
     "The baby is fine and it's going to be  a while before I can find out the gender. You look like a princess!". She twirls around in the dress excitedly.

   "Of course baby! But I am a princess. Can you see how beautiful and sexy I look? ". She looks at mirror marvelling at how beautiful she looks.
   "Always the humble one, so modest". We laugh and head out of the room.

     On our way downstairs, we meet the twins. Emiliano takes my hand while Elio takes Lily's hand.
     We go to the garage and every other person starts coming out to the house. I and Lily take a black BMW with the twins. Soon enough, we all start heading to the venue.

    We arrive at a huge mansion which has a red carpet spread out. Men in black stood outside the door with guns. Lily came and stood by my side. Father's car comes to a stop beside ours and he steps out with Armando and Angelo. They walk towards us and we all start going in together.

  We are greeted with an extravagant hall that was beautifully decorated. The people here scream wealth and power. It reminded me that in as much as this place is in a peaceful mode right now, it takes just one incident for this to turn to a blood bath.

    I shake the thoughts out of my head and decide to enjoy the party. Father goes off to meet some of his partners. Everyone starts dispersing but not before Armando gives us a earpod we can all use to communicate if something goes wrong.

   Lily and I head over to the food table. We are eating some dumplings without a care in the world when someone bumps into me from behind.  I turn around about to apologize when I see the last person I expect to ever be here.


   He quickly wipes the shocked look on his face. We just stare at each other in silence. I start to feel angry again and I place a protective hand over my stomach.
  He abandoned I and his child

    Lily takes my hand and is about to drag me away when my other hand is held by the asshole.

  "Please wait. I need to talk to you soon. About the baby". I look back at him. His pleading eyes almost make me give in. But thankfully, I remember how he treated me when I told him.

   "I don't think there's anything to talk about. This baby is only mine. Have a nice day". I drag my hand away from his firm grip.

   "I had my reasons. Please allow me to explain myself. After that, I will do anything you want me to do. Please just agree to meet with me next week".
   I look at Lily and she nods at me. I guess it can't hurt to hear him out. Just this one time.

    "Okay. Next week. Just text me the address. Now leave me alone if you don't want everyone finding out about my kid". I walk away with Lily.

    We go over to the twins who were drinking something. I push what just happened to the back of my mind and decide to just go with the flow at this point.

   Someone passes me and it startles me. I mistakenly spill the juice in my hand on the man's suit and he looks at me.

   The minute I see his face, my breath hitches and I feel like I will have a panic attack at any minute. It seems like he is about to scream at me until he looks at my face and his face visibly pales.

  "Y.. yo.. you?". Before I can do anything, he starts running towards the exit. Pushed back in time to those months, my body is temporarily paralyzed. Lily kneels beside me.

   Elio and Emiliano run after the man and father rushes to me. Tears start streaming down my face. I look towards the direction ran to and sure enough he wasn't at the exit yet. Even if he got there, the door were already closed.

  I stand up and take off my heels. I run towards him with one of my heels in my hand. When I'm close enough to him, I throw my heels to the back of his head and it makes him fall and hit his head on the floor.
   I walk to his body that lay on the ground and memories of those months start pouring in.

    I bend down over his body and punch him with all my strength. He coughs out blood. Good.

   I continuously hit him until I'm tired  and even though my family is around me, they don't interfere. His blood is all over my body soon enough. He was already passed out at this point.

   My sight starts getting blurry and I welcome the all too familiar darkness with open arms while falling back.

"Adrianna! "

I'm so sorry for the delay 😭 I have been lazy these past couple of weeks and I just finished tests too😩
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! 💗
I'll start the next chapter before next week as compensation 🙊
Byeee ☺

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