Chapter 19

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Trigger Warning : Violence, shooting and blood mentioned in this chapter.

Adrianna's pov:

   The more I remember what happened to me years ago because of my so called "uncle", I felt like committing murder. Before I know it, my mind slips back to that day.

13 years ago"
"Hey Tesoro". My favourite uncle coo'd at me. I ran into his arms while shining my missing teeth.

  After he played with me for a while, I get a little fuzzy and come down from his arms. I start running around the living room shouting for my mama to cook something for me.

  As I take a sharp turn, I fall down on my butt and start crying. Big uncle walks towards me and picks me up.

"careful now. We wouldn't want to hurt this early, now would we? ". He pats my back and places me on the sofa. He walks out as my mum comes in.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

  Few minutes after dada leaves, alarms start going off. Mama carries I and Angelo and puts us under the big cabinet in the kitchen. Angelo and I start crying uncontrollably.
"It's okay babies. Mama will be back soon. Until then, please stay strong for me. And keep quiet. I love you". She places a kiss on each of our foreheads.

  She closes the door of the cabinet and pulls out a gun from her back pocket. The next thing that happens is a complete blur. Angelo holds my hand through it.

We hear mama shout in pain and Angelo instinctively opens the door of the cabinet. I run after him. We end up in the living room where we witness a blood bath. Bodies are on the floor in the pool of their blood.

  Angelo runs towards mama who is sitting on the floor nursing her arm that is bleeding. Angelo starts crying confused about how to do anything. I just stand there in shock of continue shouting "mama"

   A man in a hoodie comes in with two other men. They point their gun towards Angelo who is at the front of mama. Although mama noticed them too late, she immediately pushed Angelo to her back and collected the bullet to her chest.

  Her blood splattered on Angelo to suddenly couldn't blink anymore. I am about to run to mama when the hoodie man carries me. I scream at him frantically to leave me. He didn't answer me.

  I pull his hoodie back and see the face of my favorite uncle. I am about to shout his name but he puts a handkerchief over my face. All I saw after that was darkness.

I open my eyes and scan the room to make sure that it was just a memory and not reality. The only thing I feel like doing is killing that bastard. He killed my mum and separated me from my family.

  A knock on my door brings back my senses.
"come in". My father and brothers come inside with worried faces. All I need to know is if that bastard is tied down somewhere.

"Where is the bastard?". I look at them urging them to talk fast because my patience is wearing thin. My hands are itching to kill someone.

  Father sits beside me on the bed.
"Don't worry about that. He is with us.  Can you please tell me why you reacted like that earlier?"

  I burst out laughing at how calm he seemed now and how he would look like later. A look of confusion comes over their faces.

"Oh sorry, I was just imagining how fast your face would change"

  "Explain". My face changes to a stoic one. I directly face Angelo and start speaking.

  "Dear brother, do you remember how mama died? Do you remember our dear hoodie man who wanted to shoot at you but mum collected the bullet instead? And after that, took me away? Well, that wonderful human is our uncle. Have fun".

  I feel a little bad for bringing up old wounds just because I want to say something but I'm past the era of caring about feelings.

Father suddenly had the murderous glint in his eyes and stood up. Well, that's my cue. I throw the duvet off and follow him. Everyone else follows suit.

  Let's just say I finally saw the dungeon I knew existed somewhere in the house. Well this place smells like rotten eggs, blood and urine. I would have puked my guts out if I wasn't too angry to do that.

We finally reached the cage for the dog that I came to 'see'.

  One of the guards opens the gate and we step in. He was chained up similar to the way I was 13 years ago. Isn't that pretty?

"Luca! Get me my toys". Father shouts at one of the guards. This should be fun.

  I walk towards him and stroke his beard. He looks at me with slight fear which honestly was not enough for me.  Not expecting it, I hit his head on the concrete at his back. The crack made me feel a little bit better. I let out a little laugh when I saw blood oozing from the back of his head.

  I remove my heels which I am wondering how they are still on, and push it into his leg.

I tear off his expensive looking shirt and remove his belt. I use the belt to whip him whilst enjoying the sound of his screams. This is so satisfying.

I step back a little to admire my latest art work. I am about to add a couple more injuries when Elio holds my hand back.

"let Father handle it from here. I promise you can kill him later". At the sound of that promise, I nod and step back.

  Father takes a pocket knife on the table and goes to him.
"My lovely brother. So I just heard a piece of news. It turns out that you shot my wife and took my child away. Now, why would you do that? I'm in love with that audacity. I will give you just one chance to tell me your side of the story, not that I care, but because I know you couldn't have been the mastermind. You are too much of a pussy for that". He drags the knife on his skin.

  I smile widely at the sight. I know he isn't the mastermind even though I don't know him because the man who gave me the injection was definitely the head. He had an agenda, a reason and this bastard barely does.

   Apparently when he couldn't take it anymore, he started speaking.
"It's true. I shot her and took Adrianna away. It wasn't my plan though. I was just following orders. I don't know who the main head is. We never met in person. We only spoke through cryptic messages that I would receive randomly then. I haven't been in contact with him since the kidnapping. My job was to make you leave for the office and kidnap the child. I did it because I wanted to take revenge on you for snatching my girlfriend. You never deserved her. She was mine".

   So he killed my mama, separated me from my family all because he wanted to take revenge for not getting the girl he wanted? Okay I'm tired of hearing this bullshit. I take two of the guns on the table and throw one to Angelo.

" Father, I would like to have a quick word with him". Father moves away from him giving I and Angelo the opportunity to take our share out of this.

"Rot in hell you motherfucker!" As if in sync, Angelo and I shot him at the same time. We make sure to empty our guns into his body. The only thing that disgusted me was his blood that splattered all over my body.

  I leave the dungeon to go and have a cold bath. I finally let go of my emotions in the tub and cry my eyes out. Mama's face kept popping into my mind.

All I know is that once I finally find that man, I will finally have the peace I have been craving for the last 13 years of my life.

Author's note:
Hey loves!!! I am sooooooo sorry for the late update. I have just been too lazy lately. Happy new month guys💗 How was this chapter? Did you love it?  Don't forget to vote and comment!! Byeee💮


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