Chapter 16

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      I woke up due to loud noise coming from downstairs. One part of me wants to stay in my room away from them but my stomach is really protesting. I put on a blank expression and go downstairs. Reaching the last steps, I stop in my tracks.

   The sight in front of me almost made me laugh. Lily is chasing Emiliano around the living room. Frankly speaking, she looks like a mad woman. Who am I kidding? She is one. Elio was trying to control the situation and Angelo is not here anymore. Good luck getting Lily to back off.

   I might slightly want her to hit his head with her heels. I shake my head and go to the kitchen. In no time, my mac and cheese is going down my throat. I finish my food and wash the plates. I take my water bottle from the fridge and start making my way to my room.

   This time around, they noticed my presence. They froze but immediately I turned away, I heard a scream. It looks like Lily has finally done it. Go girl!

   Once I get to my room, I take my phone to watch tiktok.

    Against my will, I have to go downstairs again for dinner. Everything will be fine as long as that idiot doesn't come near me. As I am about to leave my room, Lily barges in. She puts me in for a hug.

   "Don't mind that fool baby. I have handled him.  So that's enough sulking. I don't know about you, but I'm famished". She rubs her stomach at the last sentence.

   "Umm... You are always hungry. Come on, let's get you fed before you faint. Dramatic woman! "
I pat her head with a goofy smile on my face and run out of the room.

    She chases after me and we end up in the dining room laughing like hyenas. Someone cleared their throat which brought our hysteria to a stop.

   I put on a blank face which Lily immediately mirrors. We sit down beside each other and start eating.

   Dad looks at us with a smile and starts talking.
"Tesoro, how was your day? You are very happy now that your friend is here right? "

  I smile at him, happy that at least someone genuinely cares about how my day went. Meanwhile, someone spoilt my day. Tch

  He continues asking me questions about my classes and even what I ate. Honestly, it feels good to have a dad. Those people deprived me of knowing my father. I won't spare them. He looks at Lily and asks her some questions.

  "Hey Lily. I am glad you are here. How have the few hours you have spent with us been? Hope they treated you well".

   That was definitely the wrong question. Lily was not going to let this pass. Oh no.

  I snap my head towards her as she started to speak. A smile I know all too well, takes over her face. To the rest of them, the smile may seem innocent but it was anything but that.

  "Well... I don't know what to say sir. Everything would have been perfect if someone hadn't ruined everything". She looks down pretending to be sad.

   My dad's eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"What do you mean? Did someone do something to you? ".

  "I don't want to say this. Ummm... Emiliano insulted Adrianna and it put me in a bad mood". I already knew that was what she was driving at.

   Emiliano's eyes widen at her antics. No one needed to tell him he was already in a lot of trouble by the time his father looked in his direction.

   "What did he do? "

  "Sir, he called her a slut and humiliated her. It was really bad sir. She cried throughout the day". She sniffed as if she was on the verge of crying.
Oh lawd. She didn't just tell the truth, she also added to it. Such a dramatic woman. Well, Emiliano is in trouble now.

  Father nodded his head and looked at Emiliano.
"Did you do that? "
Emiliano looked frightened.
"Yes but.. ". Father held his hand up.

   "That's all I need to know. Come to my office after dinner. I'm sorry for what he said to you dear. He was just being foolish. He didn't mean it. I'm sure ".

  I just nodded, already tired of this dinner. I excused myself and left the room. Lily followed suit. As we got to my room, I hit her head upside down.

"Oww! What was that for? "

"Who told you to do that?" I glare at her annoyed.

  "I couldn't just let it go like that babe. He deserves it". She gives me a sheepish smile. Unable to argue with her, I plop on my bed and cover my head with a duvet.

  A few minutes later, someone knocks at the door.
"Come in". Angelo walks in. He sits beside me.

   "Sorry about what happened tesoro. He really didn't mean it. Don't think about that foolish boy and instead think about the dress you will wear on Saturday". I almost forgot about the ball. I haven't even told Lily about it.

   "Dress? Why? ". Lily asks with interest.

  "There is going to be a party at home on Saturday".

  She nods in understanding and suddenly gets all giddy.
"So what are we waiting for? Time to go shopping! ". Without waiting for an answer, she pulls me up and drags me out of the room.

   Angelo laughs at my expense. He puts his hand in his pockets and gives me his card.
"Use it to get what you want. Get a dress for yourself too". Lily nods her head with a smile.
  "Of course, duh". She flips her hair and laughs.

   We finally get to the mall. I had to drive us there of course. Lily doesn't know anywhere and neither do I really. So I decided to take us to the same mall Elio had taken me to the last time.

   Lily dragged me to a female themed store. I swear, I think she has started to see me as her handbag. As she is picking out gowns for me and her to try, I go and take a look at their jewelry section. The piece I am looking at falls down and I bend down to pick it.

   After picking it up, I see someone by the cash point that triggers one of my worst memories and before I know it, I run.

I run into one of the stalls and lock myself in.

It's him

Author's note:

Hey guys! I'm really sorry for the late update. I can't produce an excuse to be honest.

   I know this chapter wasn't really eventful so I'll try to upload the next one soon. Who do you think she saw?

Don't forget to vote and comment! Byee💮

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