Chapter 5

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Let the drama begin...

Third Person POV

   The next morning came and the Romero mansion seemed more calm than usual.
    Adrianna woke up a few hours before breakfast and without any other cloths to wear, she put on the one she had worn the day before. She thought they wouldn't notice. How wrong.

   Every member of the family was already seated in the dining when Adrianna showed up. The remaining didn't really care about her clothes because they thought she had probably not taken her bath.
  Their doubts were cleared when she sat on the chair that she was given the night before and the smell of the shampoo that she used, filled their noses.

    Like a reflex action, they snapped up their heads to look at her. Adrianna, unaware of the situation was trying to get syrup on her pancakes. Once again, her first bite of food was interrupted.

   "umm.. Adri, why were you wearing the clothes you wore yesterday? " Alessandro asked with a gentle edge to his voice. He couldn't understand why his baby girl that used to reject wearing the same cloth twice would repeat what she wore for almost two days.
   Adrianna was shocked that they even noticed but was less bothered about what they thought about it.

    "I don't have much clothes and this one is not even dirty so I decided to wear it" She didn't know what lie to come up with so she settled for the truth.

  "attention seeker" Angelo muttered under his breath. Adrianna turned her knife upwards, put it beside her face and smiled at him. Angelo's eyes held some amusement at what she did. Adrianna cocked her brow at him trying to figure out what was funny.

  Alessandro faced her with a smile in his face.
"It's not a problem dear. The twins will take you to the mall to do some shopping. You can also get any other things you want. You also need school supplies too. We will discuss about school after breakfast".

  Adrianna was shocked that he even cared about her cloths not to even talk about school. She started to feel a warm fuzzy feeling in her heart but shook it off.

  "Ok Mr Romero" She continued eating not paying mind to the bitter sweet expression on her father's face at her words.

  He knew it would take time for his little girl to accept him but he didn't know how long he could endure the cold attitude.

  "When you guys are done eating, I need Armando and Adrianna to come to my office". Alessandro wiped his hands and lips with a white napkin and left for his office.  Armando had already finished his breakfast but waited for his sister so they could go together.

Alessandro's office

   Armando knocked on Alessandro's office and entered with Adrianna after hearing a faint 'come in'.
   Alessandro's office was almost as big as the dining room. The walls were painted dark blue and his portraits in corners of his office. It didn't have a warm and welcoming vibe like the rest of the house.

    Alessandro was busy with reading the documents of his recent deal proposals when they came in. He put down the papers and gestured towards the dark blue chairs facing his table.
"You can sit"

    They both took their seats. Alessandro's face turned serious and the others followed suit. Adrianna just hoped he wouldn't discuss anything bad.
"Welcome back home Adrianna. Now that you have settled down, we will be going over some things. I see you have gotten familiar with Rock. That's good because he is now your bodyguard. Regarding the rules I will give you, I expect you to obey them without fail. You must take permission before leaving the house. Rock must always be with you. Your curfew is 8pm. Any later than that and you will have to answer to me. You must have nothing less than B+ in your classes. From your previous school's records,you have been doing pretty well and they are quite impressive. I expect nothing less here. You will be starting school on Monday with the twins. No getting into fights or ditching classes. No boyfriends. Any questions? "
Adrianna blinked at him and cleared her throat.

   "Well, what do I need a bodyguard for? I'm good with every other thing" She understood that they are rich but why bodyguards?

  "We have quite a lot of enemies. We are very influential family in Italy hence the danger. I hope that answers any other questions ". Alessandro put his hands on his table and looked at her.

   "Does he have to follow me to school? It will be too weird. And anyways, I can take care of myself". She slowly rested her back and crossed her leg at the last statement.

   "He won't be with you in school because you have the twins with you. You are to go and come back home with them. If they refuse or something comes up, you can call Rock or me. Elio will get you a new phone in the mall. Now if there's no more questions, you can go downstairs to meet the twins" Alessandro said it gently but it did not take a genius to know that it wasn't a request.

   Adrianna nodded and left the room. Although she hates shopping mostly because Lily always made her collapse at the end of it, she decided to go. Something told her that going against Alessandro's wishes wouldn't be the best idea.

   She went downstairs to see the twins who were already waiting for her. At first glance, she knew Emiliano was already getting impatient. Elio, on the other hand, was texting someone on his phone with a goofy smile on his face. Probably his girlfriend, she thought. She cleared her throat to draw their attention to her presence.

  They both turned towards her, Elio came to her side excitedly and put an arm on her shoulder. On instinct, Adrianna pushed him away. Not expecting it, Elio stumbled back a little. As she was about to apologize to him, Emiliano moved forward and pushed her to the floor.

  Although he did not use a lot of force, Adrianna hit her head on the tiles. The second she saw blood drip to her eyebrows, she rose to her feet in anger.

   Emiliano didn't know he had pushed her that hard so he was shocked when he saw blood on her forehead.

   Alessandro and Armando were about to conclude their meeting when they heard a thud downstairs. Thinking it was probably an intruder inside the house as they thought the rest would be out of the house by now, they rushed downstairs with their hands on their guns. The next thing that happened shocked them.

    Adrianna was only seeing red and could only think about drawing blood from her attacker. She had no control over her actions anymore and pushed Emiliano to the ground. Before they could speak, she was already on him. Despite her petite body, the strength in the punches she landed on his face was too fast for him to block.

   It took Alessandro and Elio to get her off Emiliano. She kept on thrashing around not satisfied with the damage she had already done.

  Alessandro led her to the couch and was about to gesture for Elio to get the first aid box when he saw something strange happen. For the first time in his 51 years on earth, he saw the most unbelievable thing happen to his daughter as he looked at her face.

  Her purple eye was brighter and it seemed like there were sparks of electricity moving around in them. She looked terrifying and even scared Alessandro a little. That says a lot because he is the most feared man in Italy. The boys had started doing the same thing their father was doing. Their eyes moved to the wound on her forehead.

   The cut was gradually closing up and within seconds, only dried blood remained on her forehead. Elio let out a loud gasp that brought Adrianna out of the trance she was in. 

   One look at their faces told her everything she needed to know.

Well... I guess one secret is about to be revealed. How will Adrianna handle this situation?
Elio is my favorite brother though 🙊
Emiliano is... 🙃
Angelo is... Something 🙄
Armando is... Lovely😂
Bye! Don't forget to vote and comment

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