Chapter 20

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Adrianna's pov

   It's been three weeks since I dealt with that motherfucker. My brothers have been trying to trace his movements around 13 years ago to see if they can trace anything.

   I, on the other hand, had to tell Lily lies over and over again. It doesn't take anything to figure out that there is something going on inside this house especially with that scene at the ball.

  I really need a way to unwind. I don't have access to cigarettes over here so I'm kinda stuck with having to just study most of the time. At least, it takes my mind off everything for a short while.

  I follow Lily into the car as my brothers drive us off school grounds. She instantly faces me with a huge smile on her face.

"What's going on? Why are you looking at me like that? " I raise a brow at her.

"There's a party taking place tonight. I want us to go". She looks at me with puppy eyes.

  I roll my eyes at her slightly amused at her antics.
"I don't have anything against us going. The problem is them". I nod my head towards my brothers who are seated in front.

"hmmpf". Her face fell and light up the next minute.

"I'll handle that. Don't worry about that".

  Only God knows what she's planning.  As we are getting down from the car, she takes hold of Elio's arm, not so subtly, and they walk inside together to God knows where.

  Tired of the stress I had done today, I go to my room without eating lunch.

* * * * * * *          * * * * * *    * * * * *

   "Wake up you idiot!!! ". Lily uses  something that feels like a pillow to hit my head. I groan and stand up to face her.

  "What's the chaos for? I'm tired. Let's do this another time". Instead of answering me she drags me by my hand to my closet.

  She starts going through my clothes.
"We are going for the party. Elio and Emiliano are going with us. We have just an hour to get ready". I look at her in disbelief.

  Before I know it, I'm sitting in front of my mirror in a blue crop top and baggy jeans. I'll admit I look hot and I feel good for the first time in weeks.

   Lily looks amazing as usual and we go downstairs to meet the boys.
They are in front of the TV watching something. Angelo is sitting at the other end of the living room reading some papers.

   They look at us as we walk in. Angelo stands up and moves towards us.
"I want you guys in this house before 12pm. Elio is in charge and you are all to stick together. No one should get drunk. I know there's no way you guys wouldn't drink. Just don't get drunk if you don't want to get into trouble. Good night".

   We nod and head out. I also don't miss the look on Elio's face as he glances at Lily.

  We arrive at a pretty tall house. The house would look really good right now if there weren't red cups littered on the front porch and teens vomiting on the grass.

   After ninja-ing to the front door to avoid stepping on vomit, we walk inside instantly smelling swear and liquor. I scrunch up my nose and walk to the kitchen with Lily. Lily takes one of the unopened bottles on the counter and pours it into cups for us.

   Reminding myself that I am here to let loose and dance my sorrows away, I down the drink in one go. Lily and I go to the living room feeling a little loose already. We are not the ones driving anyways.

  I start dancing and take two more shots to avoid feeling awkward. I just want be in my own head.

  I smell a familiar scent behind me. An arm snakes around my waist and instead of pushing it away, I lean into it and dancing more erotically.

  I eventually face him unable to handle the tension any longer. It had been a while since I had been this close to his beautifully sculptured face.

  "Hello hottie". Okay that was not me. It was definitely the alcohol talking. Well, now that I do remember, I haven't had any action in a while. I have a slight crush on him and I can tell he is attracted to me. So why not?

  He chuckles at me. He places his hand on my right cheek and looks at me in a way that makes my stone cold heart nervous.

  "You look so beautiful". He says as if he is truly marvelled. I smile cockily.
"I know sweetheart". I whisper in his ear.

  He leans down and whispers back into my ear.
"Should we take this upstairs? ". Gladly darling.

  "Lead the way". I wink at him.

   Let's just say one thing led to another and it was definitely great.

* * * * *  *                                * * * * * * *

  I open my eyes feeling as if someone is watching me and truly, someone definitely is.

"Creep". I whisper with a smile on my face. I feel kind of good that he didn't leave like most of the guys I had been with.

  "You know you like it". He laughs at me.

I cock a brow at him.
"I like a lot of things". I say as I remember the events of last night.
Last night!!!

  "Shit!! Shit!". I'm definitely in a lot of trouble. I pull my jeans towards me to look for my phone. I finally find it and switch it on.

15 missed calls from Lily
10 texts from Elio
2 missed calls from Dad

Yup! Definitely in a lot of trouble. I quickly put on my clothes and face Dante who also took the cue to dress up too.

  "I would love to continue whatever this was but I have sort of created a lot of issues for myself. See you later. "

  "Alright. I understand. I know your brothers pretty well and they can be a little difficult to deal with. Good luck. I'll chat you up later". I stop in my tracks and look at him.

  "We will talk about my brothers and how you know them when I'm done sorting this out". He nods and I leave.

* * * * * * *                           * * * * * * * *

  I'm pretty sure the guards already told them I have entered. I slowly opened the front door.

  Okay, coast clear. As I slowly reached the stairs, the lights came on. Cringey isn't it?
   "Welcome home little sis. How was your adventure?". I slowly turn to see everybody in the room including dad. Well, let me just cook up a little lie.

   "I'm sorry but it wasn't my fault. I drank just a little and I walked out of the house. I found myself in a park this morning". I give my dad the puppy dog eyes praying that he buys my foul.

   His eyes soften and he nods.
"Sorry love. Go and rest. We can talk later".

"OK daddy". I hug him and run upstairs.

   Lily comes in barely a minute later.
"By the way, you have sex hair. Go and take a shower. Then come and tell me about whoever it is you played with last night ". Instead of talking about how she knew, I entered the shower to let the cold water run on my body.

   The events of last night  start going through my head and I remember something important that was forgotten last night.

We didn't use any condoms

Author's note:

Well, well, well....
Isn't that wonderful 😂
I'm sorry for the late update. I have been too busy and also lazy lately.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!

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