Chapter 12

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Important note:
Hey darlings!!  Hope you had a nice day? I'm just writing this to remind you guys to drop your invaluable comments and votes to this writer. She loves it 😩

Third Person POV

The next thing that happened was a blur to her.

   Adrianna took a step forward and in the next second, her hand was around Stacy's neck. She added some pressure and lifted her from her feet sightly.

   The fear that radiated from Stacy made her reveal a sinister smile. Stacy's minions who were terrified at the sight and started to retreat.

   The whole cafeteria could barely react at the scene in front of them. Kat  who was beside Adrianna tried to talk to Adrianna despite her fear. Unfortunately, Adrianna was too far gone to even hear her. She didn't know how to handle the situation.

   The twins who had decided to let her handle it before, began to doubt their decision. Emiliano moved forward carefully because deep down he didn't want to be hit by her again. He wondered why Elio had started typing away on his phone instead of following him.

   "Hey baby. Could you let her down? We don't want her dead now, do we? How will we take care of a dead body? Spare her just this once". Emiliano tried to patronize her and it had a significant effect on her hold. Her hands were still on Stacy's neck, it was not just tight enough to cut off her air supply.

   Most of the students including Kat gasped and were shook at Emiliano's words. This only instilled more fear in them.

   Although Adrianna had listened to him, she had still not calmed down. And the next thing Stacy said only made the situation worse.
"Get your hands off me bitch! "

   Everyone looked at Stacy as if she had grown another head. Even an idiot knew that she was supposed to beg not insult her. There is really no brain up there at all.

  Adrianna flared up once again and use her other hand to punch Stacy in the gut. Stacy immediately started coughing up blood. At that point, some students wanted to run and call the teachers but they were scared of being the next target of the Romero family.

   Elio, who had been speaking to someone on a call finally came to her side with his phone on speaker.

"Hey boo! Did you not miss me? And what am I hearing of here? I haven't heard news of you since and the first update I get about you is that you are in a fight. I expected more babe. You hurt me" .
   Adrianna looked at the phone and her eyes started turning warm again.

  "I'm sorry Lily. I don't want to hurt you. I'm sorry. This girl hurt me. I just want her gone". Tears started to prick her eyes.

  "I understand Anna. But why don't you spare her just this once and when I come over, I will deal with her for you? "

  Adrianna's eyes lit up a little.
"Will you really come here? I want to see you. I promise to let her go if you promise to come".

"of course I will come. I promise. Have I ever lied to you?" Lily said in a dramatic tone.

"okay. But come soon". Adrianna was already smiling at this point. She dropped Stacy on the floor and turned to Elio.

"Thank you". She hugged Elio and went ahead to take a plate of fries from the next table. She looked at the time on her phone and realized that the next period had begun ten minutes ago.

  She picked her bag and ran out of the cafeteria. It was only after she left that the others started leaving too. Stacy's minions took her to the nurse.

  They didn't even know which lie to come up with so as to prevent themselves from any trouble. They just dropped her off at the infirmary and left.

  Stacy just lied that she fell but the nurse knew she must have gotten into a fight because of the injuries.

  Emiliano looked at his twin in confusion.
"Who was that and how did she manage to make Adrianna that happy? How do you even know her?"

  "Calm down. When both of us went to the mall, I caught her trying to call someone using my phone. I asked her about it but instead of a proper answer, she just told me to call that number for her in case of any issues. I didn't know who the girl was or what she meant until today".

  "Oh. She's probably her best friend. If she is able to handle her that well, they have to be. But what do we do about the promise they made? The girl might have to stay with us. We have to tell Armando about this. We don't know the girl so he should be able to know what to do regarding the situation".

  "Hmm. Let's discuss this at home. We are late for class".
They went to their classes and waited for school to end.

   In Adrianna's biology class, everyone refused to stay near her. She  could care less though. All that mattered to her was that her bestie would soon be with her.

  School ended and the siblings left together. When they got home, Armando was already at home waiting for them.

  "You two, come with me. Adrianna, go to your room. You can come downstairs during dinner". She went to her room, not having the strength to argue.

   The twins followed Armando to his office upstairs. They explained everything to him knowing full well that he knew about what had happened due to the secret guards. They also laid their concerns regarding Lily.

  "Well... I don't think Adrianna is someone to trust anybody anyhow. If she trusts this girl and shows this much emotion for her through a phone call, I think we can take her in. At least for the period that she is visting".

  "Okay that's fine. We have an issue coming up though".

  "I know. We have to find a way to deal with it. We can't have her finding out because of it".

  "What are you guys talking about?"

  "The annual ball is holding in our house next week".

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