Ep.17 (Part 1)

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(The rest are coming back to their office, tired from their work. Cephira, Lyrith, and Flos walked back together on the way ahead.)

Cephira : I am hysterically weakened...

Flos : There's nothing even hysterical about being tired. Hah, what a day...

Lyrith : Captain got us this time again. I thought we're gonna be having another hour worth of sermon. Just saying it reminds me of that flashback.

(In one of his pasts, there was a time where Flos and him were talking about something non-work related in their voice chat. For unfortunate reasons, they happened to talk in the general voice chat instead in the private one. As a result, they got scolded by Vera lasting an hour. Ever since then, when he wanted to talk something trivial with someone, he'd always check to see if he set his voice chat to private.)

(Lyrith was actually aware that their conversation in the team earlier was going somewhere, but he didn't have the intention to stop it as Lucid, their co-leader, was part of their conversation. Hearing Lucid talk probably gave him the permission to talk something not related to work and joined the fun. Even with that being said, Lucid is still a rank below from Vera and can still be treated as a regular member if his captain decides to.)

Flos : Don't worry, I was reminded of the same thing.

Lyrith : And I don't want that to traumatize myself again.

(As the three of them walked inside the office, they met Lucid sitting on his chair, who's also tired, and Haze playing his videogame at their own respective desks, showing indifference.)

[Scene : Team Rzulight's Office]

Lyrith : Good work out there.

Lucid : Likewise.

(He makes a response in a sluggish fashion.)

Cephira : Why does it seem like it's hysterically quiet today?

(She glances at the vacant desks in their office when she asked the question.)

Cephira : Ah, I remember now. Saphen and Comet are both away on vacation leave. Heh, those two lovebirds are surely basking in the lap of luxury, relishing in their respite! *snorts away*

Flos : Well, what can you expect? They're married, after all.

Cephira : Hmph! It's not like I'm dejected over the fact that I'm hysterically single!

Flos : Now that's the time when you'll use "hysterical."

Cephira : Shut it, you lonesome swine!

Flos : Hey. For the record, I do actually have one, though.

Cephira : Wha---!

(Cephira exclaims as she heard what he said. On the other side, Flos seem to be embarassed now that he said it, judging how he subtly fidgets around. It was supposed to be a secret, but it looks like the cat's out of the bag.)

Lucid : Woah, you already have one?

Haze : Commendable.

(He speaks, still playing his videogame.)

Lyrith : Dang, how long have you kept this to us?

Flos : I'm not gonna just tell it to you, guys, geez. Ahhh, I already feel regret now that I've told it.

Cephira : You...

(Behind Flos is a person whose anger is starting to loosen up. Her terrifying aura made him flinch and knew that he's now in a bind without even looking back to see her face teeming with menace. And before he knew it...)

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