Ep.13 (Part 1)

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Kres : You are finally showing your true colors.

Artifice : Well, I admit it was pretty arduous on keeping up a front. Thanks to you, I can no longer hide anything.

(Her voice was devoid of any resemblance from Edelweiss, and what shows out in the open is a devil covered in sheep's clothing.)

Kres : So, what is it that you want from us?

Artifice : Straight down to details, eh? Either way, what I want is simple---a crimson masquerade.

Kima : Crimson...

Luna : ...Masquerade?

Artifice : I want you all to dance for me. I want you to caper from the strings of my hands.

(Strangely yet gracefully, she sways her arms and moves around with footsteps that is elegant to the eye. She seemed to be imitating a waltz dance despite having and throwing off that unpleasant ambience of hers. Looking at Artifice, the crew could only emit confusion and disgust.)

Aero : You're crazy thinking that all of this is a game.

(Even though the odd woman in front of her displayed a harmless dance, Aero could only reflect bitter emotions.)

Artifice : What if I do, though? Besides, you should at least thank me. I even set up the stage for you all. Locking up the entrance so no one can escape, jamming the radio signals so you can't call any help, that was all me.

Aero : What about the oxygen's depletion? Are you behind on that too?

Artifice : Oh, yes, that too! Thanks for reminding me.

Aero : No wonder the wires were cut as if it was man-made.

Kima : That's weird, we felt fine at that time before we even noticed.

Artifice : Let's just say I tweaked it a bit with spacula.

Kima : Spacula, you say?

Artifice : It was natural for me to do everything so I can set up my stage.

Kres : Nevertheless, we have nothing to worry about anything now. Since you have revealed yourself, we can only focus on you.

Artifice : Eh...?

(She makes up such an expression as if she didn't believe what she just heard.)

Artifice : Pfft! Hahahahaha!

(Laughter fills out the rest of the wide cafeteria, yet nothing was there to humor it.)

Kres : What is so funny?

Artifice : It seems you're too thick-skulled to even let a simple adage get in your head. Maybe you should ought to have an ear or two from Facade.

Luna's mind : Facade? Who's that?

Artifice : You also seem to forget who has the bigger control in this situation. You should know that I can do this...

(In her signal, Artifice snaps her fingers. The lights immediately went off and created a slight disorder among the baffled crew. The sound of snapping was heard again, this time turning on the power once more.)

Artifice : ...and this.

Aero : Wai---what the---

(Nothing happened out of the ordinary, Artifice was still standing in the same position, but now holding a certain someone at her mercy. She was tightly gripping at the victim's lime uniform, all while pointing a knife on their neck. Aero barely had time to sort out things before he could know that his life is at the grasp of an impostor. Mysteriously, Artifice got one person despite not making a single sound during the blackout.)

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