Ep.12 (Part 2)

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Kres : I reckon it is about time to test it out.

Edelweiss : What is it?

Kres : Edelweiss, go stand over there.

(He points out the area beside the next table across them. Edelweiss then walks to the pointed position at a normal pace.)

Edelweiss : Then?

Kres : The rest of you, go there.

(He orders the remaining crew to go 45 degrees from his position, where it's in the middle of Kres and Edelweiss' position but slightly closer to the walls beside the entrance to the glass bridge. The crew then proceeds to the said position.)

Gemi : What are you trying to do?

(Kres then picks up what looks like a mechanical pencil from his hidden pocket in his uniform.)

Kres : I am going to throw this pen to Edelweiss and you must look at the pen after it is thrown mid-air. Edelweiss, I want you to catch this with only one hand on which side you prefer.

Edelweiss : Got it.

Aero : Kres, do we really have the time for this?

Kres : Just shut up and cooperate.

Aero : Hah, fine.

Kres : Then, here it goes...

(Without a countdown, Kres launches the pen upwards going to Edelweiss's direction. As if time has slowed down, the crew in the middle watches the thrown pen in mid-air fixedly, never making a single blink of their eyes. As they keep locking their eyes on it while their heads also turn to the direction it takes slowly, the pen lands on Edelweiss by catching it with her right hand only.)

Edelweiss : Woah, I almost dropped it.

Kres : Did you look at the pen?

(Kres asks the crew on the side.)

Aero : We did.

Gemi : I also did.

(Luna and Kima nods, implying that it's a yes from his question.)

Kres : Very well. For the last step, the crew in the middle must go behind my back.

(They slowly walk until all of them except Edelweiss were behind Kres's back.)

Kres : I now have a deduction of who is the impostor.

Aero : Wait, what? Just from throwing that pen?

Kres : Yes. The impostor is...

(He steadily raises his arm and points to the only person in front of him.)

Kres : ...you, Edelweiss.


(It took more than a second for Edelweiss to realize that she was been accused. Of course, the crew were also dumbfounded.)

Edelweiss : W-Wait, me?

Gemi : Eh? It's Edelweiss?

Luna : It's her...?

Aero : What? Are you sure you're not mistaken?

Kres : I am pointing to the only person in front of me. My deductions are never wrong.

Edelweiss : How did you even come to the conclusion that it's me? You just made me catch a pen and now you're suddenly framing me for random reasons?

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