Ep.7 (Part 1)

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(With all the ingredients in hand, they placed it in a pot full of water to cook it. Meat, noodles, vegetables, and lots of other food was present. Few minutes later, the room was enveloped by the aromatic smell coming from the boiling pot. It even made one of the crew to impatiently taste the food.)

Gemi : Okay! Time to dig in!

Aero : Hey, hey, at least have some self-control. It's not even fully cooked yet.

Gemi : But I like it when it's raw!

Aero : Somehow that sounded lewd... But whatever, just wait until everyone's here. Kres is still not present.

Gemi : Boo, such a spoilsport.

Kima : Hah~ It's been a long time since we had a celebration like this!

Luna : When was the last time you had this kind of occasion?

Kima : Months ago, during Karenina's new arrival.

Luna : Huh... So Karenina is the latest member here...

Kima : Yeah, but during at the celebration... How should I say this, it was kinda...messed up?

Luna : Messed up?!

Skyfrost : It was indeed messed up. Karenina didn't get along much with us in our first meeting. Her original intention of joining was that she only wanted money. Thankfully, Edelweiss and the twins were able to handle a conversation with her, and then it was a matter of time that she became approachable to us recently, only a little bit, though.

Karenina : What do you mean by a little bit?!

Kima : Wait, how did you end up dueling at each again? I forgot.

Skyfrost : Similar to a delinquent, she always picks a fight with the guys on the Andromeda Division almost everyday. We even had to send a lot of apology reports because of that. I'm surprised that the CEO haven't issued her a company dismissal after all of those.

Karenina : Hmph! They're the ones who started it!

Skyfrost : That doesn't matter. Fighting because of stupid reasons is already plain ridiculous.

Skyfrost : Well, where was I? Ah, I stopped Karenina from fighting those guys by using force as it became too annoying for me. That's when she reached a conclusion that I was a "worthy opponent" and started picking a fight with me every time. Well, it's very tiring to fight all the time, but it's better that we don't have to do those reports again.

Karenina : Oh, you say that you're tired? How weak.

Skyfrost : Shut up. Unlike you, I'm not too dumb to go and pick a fight with anyone as a pastime.

Karenina : Say that again and I'll cut your throat.

Kima : Hey, now...

(Kima is showing faint signs of stopping the two. Meanwhile, a familiar figure clad in red appears from the glass bridge.)

Edelweiss : Oh, Kres, there you are! The food's ready!

Aero : What took you so long?

Kres : I prepared something.

Aether : What's that something?

Kres : This.

(Kres reveals a clean, neatly-folded pink uniform on his palms.)

Gemi & Reini : Ooh!

Karenina : I found Kres preparing her uniform. He told me to keep it a secret until he comes back.

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