Ep.14 (Part 1)

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Huca : Yo, it's been a while, Kima.

(The person in the red uniform who has brown hair and blue eyes is undoubtedly Kima's brother. Seeing Huca wearing a red uniform clearly implies that he was the leader of the team.)

Kima : How did you--- *coughs*

Huca : Don't strain yourself too much. I'll tell you the details later. More importantly, how are the others?

Specter : Lookin' fine on this side!

(The man in a green uniform shouts in response. Gemi, who was been approached by him, glances on Specter's uniform out of pure interest. With a closer look, he found a familiar stitched logo attached on Specter's green uniform.)

Gemi : SOM...? Spades of Mira?!

Specter : Yep, you're right!

(Specter smiles at Gemi, closes one eye, and gives him a thumbs up.)

Zeche : Be careful, everyone. The killer is still here.

(The woman in purple uniform informs the people in the area whilst fixating both eyes on a specific direction, likely where the impostor is at.)

Huca : Yes, we know.

Huca : Hey, don't even bother to hide. I know you're still there.

(Amidst the gray smoke at the side accentuates a shadow figure trying to get up. The smoke then reveals the identity of the figure, alongside with a release of a cough.)

Artifice : Even as a villain such as I, surprises like these still gets me every now and then.

(She still has her usual sadistic smile, but it was evident that it had a slight hint of frustration and surprise.)

Huca : You think so? Because the way how I see it, you're scared at how things didn't go well as you planned.

Artifice : You could never be more wrong with that.

(She brushes it off with a laugh.)

Huca : I have to say though, that your mere appearance is definitely doing its job in deceiving anyone.

Artifice : You have my thanks. It really took a lot of effort to create this perfection.

(Artifice lands a series of gazes on her own body as she opens her arms to the side, looking as if her very being is an unparalleled masterpiece.)

Huca : Well, enough talk. Now that you're cornered, maybe you can just as well forget about escaping.

(Huca points out a spacula-powered white handgun to Artifice, intending that he will shoot once he detects unnecessary movements from her.)

Artifice : Actually, you might be correct that not all of my plans go as intended.

Artifice : But I never said I don't have an escape plan.

(From her pocket, Artifice hands out what seems to be a detonator. She presses the trigger and...)

(*boom* *shatter*)

(The glass bridge behind her exploded and created a hole enough for a person to get out. The wind from the outside instantly whooshes inside the sector as if it was impatient to go in. The explosion made Huca let his guard down and misses the opportunity to shoot.)

Artifice : I'd rather use my brain than to fight you lot. Farewell!

(She throws something to the air in an upward momentum and it instantly flashes a very strong bright light, enough for anyone to close their eyes. Everyone turned away from the light and covered their eyes with their palms. Soon as the flash wore off for about five seconds, Artifice was nowhere to be found.)

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