Ep.1 (Part 2)

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Reyna : Um, Cap, are you pulling a joke right now?

Aimer : No! I'm serious about this!

Melan : S-So, there's a killer hiding in this ship??

Yumei : Possibly, but Aimer, were there any traces of weapons and such?

Aimer : A-Actually, I didn't check since I ran panickly straight to the button once I saw the body. *panting rapidly*

Yumei : Where is the body?

Aimer : At Electrical.

Zeno's mind : Hmm...

(They ended the meeting and everyone went to Electrical.)

[Scene : Electrical Room]

(As they witness the scene, Ravie was actually found dead, with the body lying in a pool of blood.)

Meteor : So it was true, after all...

(While Yumei checks Ravie's vital signs...)

Melan : Is he still alive? Please tell me he's still alive!

Yumei : Unfortunately...we were too late.

(All of them left shell-shocked after hearing Yumei's words.)

Melan : No way...

(Reyna and Cosmos cried and some of the male members just faced the other way. While Yumei investigates the scene...)

Yumei's mind : Ah, there's no weapon, as expected. Well, that was only a hunch. But from the looks of his wounds...

Yumei : It seems that he was been stabbed.

Zeno's mind : Stabbed...

Yumei : Aimer, the body was already like this before you called the meeting, right?

Aimer : Yes, I'm certain.

Yumei : So, it's been done minutes ago...

Reyna : Hey... *sniffle* There was a blackout that happened earlier *sniffle*, did you guys find that odd?

Kruso : Yeah, it happened out of the blue.

Meteor : Maybe just as Aimer said, Turtle II has been used for so long that some of its systems are barely functioning.

Aimer : I did say that, but when I tried to fix back the system, some of the levers were just flicked off, and it came back to normal when I flicked all of them on.

Zeno : In other words, it's not both suicide nor a coincidence.

Aimer : Most likely.

(Meanwhile, as Meteor crosses his attention towards Mayven, he saw that Mayven was feeling weird.)

Meteor : Hey, Mayven, are you alright?

Mayven : ...my friend.

Meteor : Eh?

(Mayven instantly puts both of his hands on Meteor's shoulders and asks him a question.)

Mayven : Meteor, we're in a dream, right? There's no way all of this can be real, right? *voice shaking*

Meteor : Mayven, what are you----

Mayven : This should be a hallucination, right? This must be!

Melan : Hey, Mayven, get a grip! *calms Mayven down*

Aimer : Mayven, calm down! *also calms Mayven down*

Mayven : This must be...There's no way Ravie would die...h-he's my best friend, of course... *sobbing*

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