Ep.16 (Part 2)

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Lucid : Ahem! Anyways, moving on...

(He shrugs off his bothered expression and continues to demand for the team's individual reports.)

Lucid : Misene, how about yours? Over.


(A long pause passes, and an answer isn't heard.)

Lucid : Misene?

Misene : I'M AT F-52, THIRD STORAGE RO----

Lucid : Woah, your voice! Too loud! Too loud!

(Her voice is too deafening enough to startle not only Lucid, but to everyone as well. Soon as the utterance voices out in their own earpieces, they immediately flinches and almost tries to remove their earpieces. Compared to Cephira's usual enthusiasm, Misene's voice is incomparable to that of hers.)

Flos : Gosh, what the hell was that?

Lucid : Did you, by any chance, put your earpiece close to your mouth again?

Misene : YES...?

(He flinched from the loudness again.)

Lucid : Just equip back your earpiece and talk normally! I've told you this many times!

Cephira : For Highness' sake, that was hysterically earsplitting, Misene...

Misene : Sorry, force of habit, ahahaha...

(She scratches the back of her head.)

Lucid : You're really bad at handling technology, aren't you?

Misene : My bad, my bad. Once again, I'm at F-52, Third Storage Room. No problems here.

Lucid : Understood. Next...

Misene : What about Haze? He's been silent this whole time

Lucid : He's paired up with me, remember?

(He looks at the person in a gray uniform beside him. This person seems to be playing a videogame on his phone---giving it his full attention. And it could may be the reason why he didn't talk when the reports were needed. Though, on the other hand, it was also unnecessary for him to answer since they were together with the one who asked for the reports.)

Flos : Let me guess, he's playing games right now, isn't he?

Lucid : Same as ever.

Flos : Lucky him. I wish I could also play one.

Lucid : That's a no. We're in the middle of patrolling.

Flos : Then why is Haze an exception??

Haze : Concentration. Patrol.

(The man in gray talks and answers Flos' question in a monotonous manner.)

Lucid : You heard him.

Flos : Concentration, my foot! All I hear is just some lame excuse!

Lucid : Well, what else can I do? Besides, it's not like it's not true. Haze can sense things indirectly, you know?

Flos : Yeah, I still don't know why is that.

Lucid : Putting his attention towards something will give him a slower reaction and comprehension. That's why he uses videogames as one of his distractions so he can react better to his surroundings.

Cephira : How does that even hysterically work?

Lucid : I don't have the knowledge to answer that question.

Lyrith : If that's the case, then he should be reacting slower to the game he's playing, right? Since he's giving it full attention.

Lucid : On the contrary, I find it surprising that he's nailing it with such speed on his fingers.

(Lucid makes the reply as he observes Haze playing the game with his swift hands.)

Flos : Wait, huh?

Cephira : Now that's what I call mystifying.

Misene : If you ask me, he's really eccentric.

(Regardless of the topic centered at him on their conversation, Haze doesn't seemed bothered by it, at least by judging how still his expression looks and how he didn't retort back. Or maybe he just didn't hear it, considering that he just kept playing. Maybe it's actually true of what Misene said---he's an eccentric person.)

Flos : Or rather, it's uncanny.

Misene : Oh right, guys! I want to talk something regarding Condessa.

Lucid : Hey, don't say her name that easily without any formalities!

Misene : This is already old news, but I read it on social media. Apparently, she decided to build MIRA in underwater years ago.

Cephira : But of course, I heard about it. It was so hysterically hilarious.

(She talks in a pompous manner.)

Lyrith : Why underwater, out of all places?

Misene : Who knows? Our CEO is fond of creating bizarre ideas, after all. Fortunately, the people in the company were sane enough to reject her proposal, though.

Lucid : The company is all about exploring space, and I don't get the slightest idea of why she wanted to build the company underwater.

(Without their awareness, the individual report for an hour worth of findings turned into some trivial discussion. Well, it's the least you can expect from a person, though. There's always that time where a certain topic shifts to one another and the chain goes on, particularly if it's with a group of people you had built a bond with. They should know, however, that they need to refrain from chatting any longer, especially...)

Vera : Lucid.

(...that she's on their team.)

Lucid : Ah, Captain, this is...

(Naturally, Lucid would panic after hearing her speak. Perhaps her calling his name gave him an instant realization that he's now in trouble. It's wasn't as though that her voice was scary, it was far more fearsome than that.)

Vera : You understand that we're currently on a patrol, right?

Lucid : I--I am aware. I apologize.

Vera : And this goes for everyone as well.

(Nobody dared to make a single sound. They already know how it would turn out if they ever did.)

Vera : Please save your pointless chitchat for some other time. We're presently doing work as of this moment. Remind yourselves that you are members of Spades of Mira. Over.

Lucid : Understood.

(Vera sighs clearly in the voice chat. Even though they know that that's her normal tone of voice, all they hear in their ears were that of stone-cold notes. And it was precisely because of that that they can't be able to utter words from their mouth unless needed.)

Vera : For my report, I'm at F-106, inside at the fifth subsector facility of Andromeda Division. Everything is in place, no issues on my end. Over.

Lucid : Noted, Captain. Over.

(And just like that, the noises in their telecommunication went dead silent in a blink of an eye. It was to be expected since Vera likes to keep things professional as long as they're on the clock. She cannot slip a single ounce of laid-back actions because, technically, Vera is the leader of Team Rzulight, considering that she's wearing a red uniform.)

(The remaining time of their shift continued in silence, except for the hourly report checks. Time flies by, and the sun finally sets down. The team completed their patrol without meeting any problems.)

[To Be Continued]

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