Another poem

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I am not like my family
I am not extroverted like them
But I don't see this as a travesty
I can find my own zen
But lately, I feel off
Being by myself feels suffocating
I want to pass it off with a scoff
But these thoughts keep generating
I call onto someone, anyone, I know
Just to have the company of their voices
It's like I have no other choices
Day after day is work and sleep
No quality to keep
I'm in an ocean, sinking to the bottom
Just leaving my mind to rotten
I don't wanna drown, I hate that thought
It's a battle many have thought
But I enjoy drifting in the sea
So why not have the time to enjoy me
It's hard to call and set plans
But that's improving who I am
Am I being better or turning to dust
But maybe waiting with people I know will be just enough

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